Homeschool Safari, Wellbeing through Wildlife and Art in the Park: Educational Sessions by Knowsley Safari

Now we are back in lockdown, Knowsley Safari are offering some virtual educational sessions for all the animal lovers out there! They have HomeSchool Safari, Art in the Park and Wellbeing Through Wildlife. Here are all the details you need to know… Wellbeing Through Wildlife Wellbeing Through Wildlife is running 11am daily during Children’s Mental … Read more

Giving Children the Best Possible Start in Life: EYFS Tracking and Childcare

We all want the very best for our children, especially when they are babies and have all the potential in the world. But how do we make sure that the other people in their lives will have their best interests at heart too? Fortunately, the UK government has realised that early intervention is needed in … Read more

How To Find The Most Impact In Your Chosen Career Path

People choose their career path for a range of reasons. They might simply wish for a certain salary, they may have an inclination to follow a technical path, or they may be creatively inspired and don’t mind doing without a massive salary for the time being. That being said, finding the most impact in your … Read more

Maths Websites For Primary and Secondary Children (Home Education/ Homeschooling)

I have been meaning to write this post for a while. We use, or have tried out at least, numerous maths websites for primary and secondary aged children as part of our home education (homeschool). I thought it would be useful to share these with other families; whether homeschooling long term, short term, or just … Read more

Learning Packs by Undercover Hippy Bus (Review, Discount Code and Giveaway)

Finding good quality useful educational resources is a priority. I find the core subjects are generally well covered. But sourcing activities that offer something different – thinking about the wider scope of valuable learning opportunities, such as children’s mental health resources, for example – is somewhat harder. Therefore I was delighted to discover the brilliantly … Read more

6 Fun Ways to Teach Your Child About Religion 

Teaching children requires a lot of time and patience. If lessons are boring or the tasks too tough, it can lead to their minds wandering and them getting easily distracted. Activities that are fun and engaging, and set at the right pace and level, will help your child learn more effectively. The same goes for … Read more

Life in Lockdown: This is NOT Home Education (Lockdown Homeschooling)

It has been well over a month since lockdown began due to Covid-19. The majority of parents are currently ‘homeschooling’ their children; schools remain closed at the time of writing this, except to children of key workers and those classed as vulnerable. As long-term home educators, some might assume not all that much has really … Read more

Top 5 Essential Tips to Help You Study

Whether you’re studying towards your GCSE’s, A-Levels or other vital exams, it’s important that you know the most effective methods of studying and the ones that work best for you. You also have to have the right mindset every time you go to study – otherwise, you’ll find that you get nothing done and that … Read more

How to Make the Decision to Get an Online Education

How to Make the Decision to Get an Online Education

Whether you are considering going back to school or going for the very first time, getting a degree online is a huge decision, possibly one of the biggest you will have to consider. So, is getting an online education a good idea? Most universities offer online classes now, and many offer full online degree programs, … Read more