#Blogtober 2016 – Day One: Who Are You?

​Hi everyone!  I’m taking part in #Blogtober16 (at the 11th hour I might add!) so today is all about ME!!! For those who don’t know, blogtober 2016 is 31 days of posts with a different set theme each day, hosted by www.hexmumblog.com  I am also doing the Project Green Challenge too this month so October is a busy … Read more

Make A Splash: 5 Ways We Can All Help Our Oceans

“We have to keep the momentum going so that we can come together and protect our ocean. Why? Because our ocean is absolutely essential for life itself – not just the food, but the oxygen and weather cycles of the planet all depend on the ocean. ” – Secretary of State John Kerry “ No water, no … Read more

30 Days Wild – Day 1: Nature In Our Garden

Today marks the start of the #30DaysWild challenge, which continues throughout June. For those who don’t already know, this is organised by The Wildlife Trusts; the purpose is to bring people closer to nature and to connect with the natural environment. Day one: ‘Nature Growing Wild In Our Garden’. Firstly, Squiggle and I discussed what … Read more