Fungi Facts – #30DaysWild

I received an email from Grow Wild (Kew Gardens) recently all about fungi. There are free downloads on their website with lots of interesting information and even a fun(gi) quiz to do too! So I decided my challenge for today would be to do a mini project on fungi, then share with you some of the fascinating facts I … Read more

Learning About Bees #30DaysWild

As I mentioned briefly in a recent post, I started reading abit more about bees – initially beekeeping in particular. However, I then found some lovely resources that I wanted to share with you all about bees. After all, these hardworking pollinators are vital to us yet are in need of greater understanding and protection! This … Read more

Where’s Wildlife: Nature’s Version of Where’s Wally! (Post includes Linky) 

We have a wild patch in our garden. I love it because from a distance it doesn’t look like there is much there but the closer you get, the more you spot that there is actually an abundance of wildlife. So I decided to turn it into a 30 Days Wild activity; nature’s version of … Read more

Wildlife in Our Garden: Hedgehog Sighting

Early this morning, just after dawn, this little fella made his way across our garden and into our bushes. We have never seen a hedgehog in our garden before – infact I don’t think any of us have seen one in the wild ever full stop! SO excited!!!! This is Squiggle’s photo, she was thrilled … Read more

Family Fun Day – Finding The Wild! 

On Sunday, we went to a family fun day at a local college. Whilst that was in itself far from wild, we did find a couple of nature related things going on! The main thing was finding our local beekeepers. This also led me to read more about beekeepers afterwards, especially from an ethical point … Read more

DIY Seed Bombs – #30DaysWild

Squiggle and I made seed bombs, as a more unique way of planting the wild flower seeds we were sent from The Wildlife Trusts in our 30 Days Wild pack. It is a really simple, fun activity… and all you need is clay, soil and seeds!  Firstly, get a small lump of clay and flatten it out. … Read more

World Environment Day 2017 – Connecting People To Nature 

Today, 5th June 2017, is World Environment Day. The aim of this campaign is to connect people to nature. Of course, for those of us who are taking part in 30 Days Wild, this is something that we are already doing throughout this month anyway! However, I would like to set everyone a challenge to do … Read more

Visit To A Local Conservation Area – #30DaysWild

Yesterday, we visited a small local conservation area. We have driven past this spot many times but had never actually stopped to explore it before now. It is lovely discovering new places!  It is only a small patch of natural environment in the middle of an urban area, but it was filled with wildlife and … Read more

Nature Walk – #30DaysWild 

Squiggle and I regularly go on nature walks. Being situated in an urban location doesn’t mean we have to deprive ourselves of nature. Despite living on the outskirts of a city, we are lucky enough to have parkland and green spaces on our doorstep. Natural environment is essential to our wellbeing. I feel it is … Read more