Top Tips For Group Getaways

Top Tips For Group Getaways

It is my 40th birthday coming up in a less than two months now (eek) and I have still not yet decided how to celebrate! I would definitely like to mark the occasion in some sort of special way; I am just not yet sure how. I did have a few ideas, such as a … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 8: Favourite TV Programmes

When I think back, I realise my taste in TV programmes has changed alot. Growing up I was obsessed with Neighbours, then later Eastenders too. Home and Away too, to a lesser extent. However, these days I no longer watch any soaps at all. Over the years there have been loads of series that I … Read more

A Typical Week in Home Education?

In reality there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ home education week for us; we are interest-led and we tend to go with the flow as we feel this suits our needs. The freedom to do this is one of the many reasons we love home educating. However, this post aims to give a … Read more