An Introduction To Japanese Style Japandi: Creating Calm And Balanced Spaces


Japandi is a term that has been used in interior design for decades but does not have an exact definition. However, it can be translated to mean balance or stability of the spirit and mind. This style of decoration is typically seen in Japanese homes and businesses. Japan uses natural materials like wood, stone, bamboo, … Read more

What To Organise When You’re Moving Home

If you’ve never bought or sold a house before, or it’s been a long time, you might not know quite how much you need to organise before you can actually move. There is a lot that goes into this process, and it can feel quite stressful and long-winded when you’re in the middle of it. … Read more

How To Upgrade Your Home’s Exterior

Interior design has boomed in the last 12 months, with households having more time than ever to touch up the inside of the house, to repaint and spruce up the previously neglected rooms that have fallen victim to the time-poor. Multiple lockdowns and time spent on furlough may have seen the interiors getting the attention … Read more

Your Home Heating Checklist For Summer

Things are heating up outside at this time of year. That means you don’t want things heating up inside where they shouldn’t. Although we’re still a few months away from going around and bleeding all the radiators (I hope I haven’t suddenly got you wondering where your radiator key is!), as summer comes around the … Read more

Considerations For First Time Home Buyers

Homes are one of those things which when there aren’t any problems, everything is great, but when there are… well, it’s an especially painful kind of stressful. This is true of day-to-day living, or finding a new place to live, and for first time home buyers it can be especially stressful when you realise just … Read more

Floor Transformation = Life Transformation

Floor Transformation = Life Transformation It may sound like a line from an advert on television, but the things that you change about your home have a positive change on your own lifestyle.  You may feel that in choosing a floor you are simply just looking for something to step on that looks pleasing but … Read more

Getting A Mortgage: A Basic Guide

Given the uncertain times we live in, it is understandable that many out there will be seeking some extra stability. What this looks like will differ from household-to-household, but some out there could well be looking at their financial situation and asking a question that many have asked themselves over the years: “is getting a … Read more

How Can You Use and Maintain Fakro Roof Windows?

How Can You Use and Maintain Fakro Roof Windows? The sunlight is very beneficial for human beings. It is a significant source of Vitamin D. Sunlight promotes healthy bones’ growth and maintenance, improves the immune system, and optimises life quality. Sunlight’s effects are not just limited towards physical aspects; it also helps optimise mental condition. … Read more