6 Fun Ways to Teach Your Child About Religion 

Teaching children requires a lot of time and patience. If lessons are boring or the tasks too tough, it can lead to their minds wandering and them getting easily distracted. Activities that are fun and engaging, and set at the right pace and level, will help your child learn more effectively. The same goes for … Read more

Life in Lockdown: This is NOT Home Education (Lockdown Homeschooling)

It has been well over a month since lockdown began due to Covid-19. The majority of parents are currently ‘homeschooling’ their children; schools remain closed at the time of writing this, except to children of key workers and those classed as vulnerable. As long-term home educators, some might assume not all that much has really … Read more

Maker Workshop: Book Review and Giveaway (x 4 Copies)

Maker Workshop by Dr Alison Buxton is full of fun STEM projects for children to carry out at home. Welbeck Publishing kindly sent me a copy of this book to review. The book has an interesting variety of projects. It is split into different sections; bionic bots, mega movers, home helpers, out and about, and … Read more

Top 5 Essential Tips to Help You Study

Whether you’re studying towards your GCSE’s, A-Levels or other vital exams, it’s important that you know the most effective methods of studying and the ones that work best for you. You also have to have the right mindset every time you go to study – otherwise, you’ll find that you get nothing done and that … Read more

How to Make the Decision to Get an Online Education

How to Make the Decision to Get an Online Education

Whether you are considering going back to school or going for the very first time, getting a degree online is a huge decision, possibly one of the biggest you will have to consider. So, is getting an online education a good idea? Most universities offer online classes now, and many offer full online degree programs, … Read more

Book Review Journal (Ages 7+) by Shoohada Khanom: Review and Giveaway

Book Review Journal (Ages 7+) by Shoohada Khanom: Review and Giveaway

If you are a fellow home educator, or even if you are not, you might find the idea of a journal for children to write book reviews a really fun and useful idea. I received a book review journal by Shoohada Khanom to review and I am also running a giveaway for one lucky reader … Read more

Global Climate Strike: Climate Action Message to World Leaders From My 11 Year Old Daughter

Global Climate Strike: Climate Action Message to World Leaders From My 11 Year Old Daughter

Today, 20th September 2019, is an important day for our planet; the global climate strike. As our World Leaders prepare to meet for the UN Climate Action Summit in just a couple of days time, millions of youths take to the streets in more than 130 countries across the globe for the biggest mass protest … Read more

5 Ways to Develop Good Essay Writing Skills in English

If you are in secondary school (high school), college or university, you have undoubtedly encountered writing essays. They are the most common assignment in upper secondary school, college, and university; the average student writes one to three essays each week. Essay writing can be confusing though, especially if you are new to it. Writing an … Read more

YouTeachMeToo Tutorial Subscription Service: Review and Giveaway

YouTeachMeToo is an innovative educational subscription service that enables access to teaching videos. It allows parents and their children to watch and listen to teachers teaching in a range of schools across the UK, including mainstream, special schools and a Royal School for the Deaf. There are currently 2,000 videos to view, mainly primary currently, … Read more