Eco-Friendly Home Improvements

eco friendly home improvements

Investing in some eco-friendly home improvements can save you money in the longer term on energy costs, and improve the comfort of your home, as well as making your home more environmentally-friendly too. Here are some suggestions for eco home improvements and tips for creating a greener home… Windows Most people have double glazing these … Read more

Revamping Your Patio? Read This First!

You’re probably reading this and thinking about getting your garden ready for the summer months so you can enjoy your time outdoors with your family and friends. One of the tasks on your to-do list is undoubtedly revamping your patio area. If you’re looking at your patio and feel a bit overwhelmed and perhaps unsure … Read more

How To Upgrade Your Home’s Exterior

Interior design has boomed in the last 12 months, with households having more time than ever to touch up the inside of the house, to repaint and spruce up the previously neglected rooms that have fallen victim to the time-poor. Multiple lockdowns and time spent on furlough may have seen the interiors getting the attention … Read more

Top 6 Practical Home Modifications

Home modifications for the elderly reduce accident risks, especially falls, and encourage independence in their homes. Falls are a contributing factor to why seniors lose mobility and independence in homes. Home modifications are essential in reducing risks and enhancing safety for seniors. Here are a few ideas for motivation if you are planning a home … Read more

Tips for Building a Sustainable Kitchen

There’s this old saying, “the kitchen is the heart of the home”. Whilst this is not true for us personally, there is no denying that the kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the home. Given the nature of the time some families spend in there, it helps a great deal if it … Read more

Floor Transformation = Life Transformation

Floor Transformation = Life Transformation It may sound like a line from an advert on television, but the things that you change about your home have a positive change on your own lifestyle.  You may feel that in choosing a floor you are simply just looking for something to step on that looks pleasing but … Read more

How Can You Use and Maintain Fakro Roof Windows?

How Can You Use and Maintain Fakro Roof Windows? The sunlight is very beneficial for human beings. It is a significant source of Vitamin D. Sunlight promotes healthy bones’ growth and maintenance, improves the immune system, and optimises life quality. Sunlight’s effects are not just limited towards physical aspects; it also helps optimise mental condition. … Read more

Luxury Home Improvement Ideas

There is something satisfying about being proactive in improving your quality of life. Whilst options don’t always come our way, if able to, adding luxury features that make your home more accessible and expandable to different scenarios can give a huge amount of security. These are some home improvement ideas that could add a little … Read more

Accessibility Factors To Consider When Making Home Improvements

It’s quite normal to put things off and wait for a better time. However, one thing we rarely consider until too late when undergoing home renovation, is accessibility. As people age, it takes more effort to do certain tasks than it used to, and modifications are needed in order to maintain a continued level of … Read more