How To Get More Natural Light In Your Home

Natural light is one of the best ways to make your home look beautiful. Light makes your rooms feel lighter and brighter, but not all homes let enough light in. Maybe it’s an older home with small windows, or maybe the light is blocked by a neighbouring house or a large tree outside. Here’s how … Read more

Prepare Home For Winter With These Top Tips

Winter seems to come around so quickly. So quick in fact that a lot of people do not find time in advance to prepare home for winter. Especially with the current year and the issues a lot of people have had to face, it’s no surprise it’s sitting on the backburner. However, preparing the home … Read more

How Much Can You Cut The Cost Of Buying A House

Mortgages are a daunting prospect for many. Given that it’s likely to be the biggest expense that the majority of us are ever going to make in our lives, it’s no surprise that buying a home isn’t cheap. However, that doesn’t mean that you have no wiggle room to control the costs at all. Here, … Read more

Different Types Of Flooring

Like anything, flooring comes in many different types and styles. A lot of the time we decorate and dress to our heart’s content, but when it comes to flooring there’s a few more things to take into consideration. The ideal scenario is of course to have both style and practicality, but that’s not always realistic. … Read more

JungleCulture Eco Products: Review and Giveaway

I am always looking for new eco-friendly brands and sustainable products that can support and enhance my own zero waste journey. And JungleCulture eco products certainly do that! JungleCulture Eco Brand JungleCulture is an eco brand with a fabulous philosophy; they aim to inspire others to see the beauty and purpose in nature. To this end, … Read more

What Are The Best Tips For Sewing Your Own Curtains?

Designing a unique interior with the help of curtains is probably one of the best ideas to makeshift your room and brings more life to it. With the different variations, colours, and designs of curtains sold in the market nowadays, there are just a lot of ideas that can go on your mind. Being creative … Read more

The Importance of Using a Mortgage Advisor

Mortgages – for some people, just the mere mention of them might fill them with dread! Endless financial jargon, long lists of confusing rules, and unexpected fees everywhere you turn. But mortgages needn’t be so daunting. When you have someone with all the know-how to explain and guide you through the process of getting a … Read more

Is It The Right Time For You To Buy A Home?

When Is The Right Time To Buy A Home? You might think that it’s always the right time to buy a home. If that’s the case, then you have almost certainly heard about the issue of dead money. The basic concept is simple: if you’re renting there’s no long term benefit. You’re giving your money … Read more