Hedgehogs, Insects, Identification and Jumping in Puddles! (A-Z of 30 Days Wild)

H is for… Hedgehogs! We were so excited the one and only time we have ever spotted a hedgehog in our garden! https://www.instagram.com/p/BVVPvlyhbm7/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1cigx833qhwze I is for… Insects. We really enjoy studying insects, observing them and finding out more about them. We have completed many activities around this topic! https://www.instagram.com/p/BHI2LPsgt0W/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1thdkuz9q7cvb I found some useful tips on … Read more

30 Days Wild – Day 19: Simple Things

Today we had a nice lazy Sunday, including a lovely countryside walk. Squiggle had a ‘wild’ time… I enjoyed taking nature photos… Squiggle would like to know what this is… One thing I am loving about this challenge is that it serves as a constant reminder to stop and notice all the little things, and … Read more

30 Days Wild – Day 2: Nature Walk

For day two of our #30DaysWild challenge, Squiggle and I went on a nature walk. We spent lots of time studying things and taking photos. In fact, Squiggle took so many lovely pictures that we decided sorting through them and sharing them could be one of her future challenges for another day! We were also … Read more