What Is Compostable Packaging And What Should You Do With It?

As a society, we’ve become very conscious about our plastic usage – which can only be a good thing. As consumers, we want to be able to make the more sustainable purchasing choice when it comes to certain items and the way things are packaged. Whilst it’s still fairly difficult to live a plastic-free life … Read more

Reducing Food Waste and Packaging

Reducing Food Waste and Packaging #ZeroWasteWeek

Did you know the average UK household throws away 22% of their weekly food shop? This adds up to £700 per year! This food waste is a huge factor in climate change. Understanding Food Waste As I mentioned, the UK has a major issue with food waste. The industry itself produces approximately 1.9 million tonnes … Read more

Project Green Challenge 2016: Aiming For Zero Waste

As part of Project Green Challenge by Turning Green, I have been collecting all the waste I have produced for the last 24 hours. I do aim to refuse, reduce and reuse; and feel I have done quite well with this! BUT there is plenty more to be done and there are a few things … Read more