#Blogtober 2016 – Day 28: Favourite Instagram Photo(s)

I am quite selective over what goes in my IG gallery, so I really like pretty much all of the photos in my collection tbh. But of course for this post I am going to pick ones of Squiggle and not just use it as an excuse to showcase my photography lol 😉 So I … Read more

30 Days Wild – Day 2: Nature Walk

For day two of our #30DaysWild challenge, Squiggle and I went on a nature walk. We spent lots of time studying things and taking photos. In fact, Squiggle took so many lovely pictures that we decided sorting through them and sharing them could be one of her future challenges for another day! We were also … Read more

30 Days Wild – Day 1: Nature In Our Garden

Today marks the start of the #30DaysWild challenge, which continues throughout June. For those who don’t already know, this is organised by The Wildlife Trusts; the purpose is to bring people closer to nature and to connect with the natural environment. Day one: ‘Nature Growing Wild In Our Garden’. Firstly, Squiggle and I discussed what … Read more