Strategies To Help Children Who Procrastinate

“Not now” and “later on” are common things that a household with older children or teenagers will hear. It could be relating to homework, chores, or just general helping around the house. And in many ways, it can be completely normal. Even us as parents can put off the less than desirable tasks as we … Read more

Beautiful Accessible Reservoir Walks in Yorkshire – #RediscoverReservoirs

Yorkshire is a beautiful county filled with many stunning scenic sights and lovely walks. As the second largest landowner in Yorkshire, Yorkshire Water is currently striving to enhance access across it’s reservoirs. These are some of the most gorgeous walking spots in the entire UK, and their aim is to ensure more wheelchair and mobility … Read more

An Open Letter To Anyone Who Struggled This Mothers Day

If you follow me on any of my social media channels, you will perhaps have already seen the Mothers Day post I wrote first thing yesterday morning. But incase you missed it, here it is… Happy Mothers Day ❤ I know today is not always the happy day that it is sometimes expected to be. … Read more

Learning Success System: Help Your Child To Thrive! (Review and Giveaway)

Have you heard of the The Learning Success System before? It is an educational programme that helps children develop the key skills they need for learning. Whilst this is especially beneficial to those with SEND, the activities are actually useful for any child. It is available at the discounted reader price of $197 for a … Read more

Random Acts of Kindness Day & Valentines Day: Spread Some Love!

Happy (belated) Valentines Day and happy Random Acts of Kindness Day everyone! Firstly, an apology. I had good intentions, I genuinely did. My ‘Spread Some Love’ theme for this year was meant to include a bunch of giveaways for you all; I contacted companies, started to arrange the details… then we were hit with a … Read more

Cassiobury Park, Watford: Paddling Pools and Splash Park

Cassiobury Park in Watford, Hertfordshire has been undergoing a huge restoration project over the last year, thanks to a £6.5 million investment with help from the Big Lottery and Heritage Lottery Fund. The transformation includes brand new paddling pools and splash park, which we were keen to check out soon after it opened! There is a … Read more

Needlite: Bringing Daylight Indoors 

Needlite are a small, Danish start-up who invented and designed a unique daylight desk lamp, which launched in the Nordic market just under two years ago. The idea is simple: provide the user with efficient work light and provide the much-needed daylight at the same time. The Needlite has a simple, modern design. It is … Read more

What To Look For When Renting/ Top Tips For Landlords #RentalInsights

Recently carried out a survey and have found some interesting stats about tenants: Overall 86% of people were either very happy, quite happy or somewhat happy with their landlord or letting agent 75% of people surveyed claimed to be happy with the response to maintenance requests 43.6% of tenancy agreements do not allow pets 12.5% of people … Read more

PDA Awareness Day (Pathological Demand Avoidance)

I wrote about Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) recently as part of World Autism Awareness Day. However, as today is PDA Awareness Day, I couldn’t let the day go by without writing a quick update on the subject! Firstly, I want to say a huge congratulations to Fiona (my SIL) for successfully running the Milton Keynes marathon at the … Read more