ContentCal – Social Media Software

Worldwide, billions of people use social media across multiple platforms. Through these incredibly popular sites we remain constantly available and connected to the world at large. As a business, there’s no better way to increase brand awareness than social media. In fact, for bloggers, platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are a vital part of … Read more

Tips For Setting Up A New Small Business

Tips For Setting Up A New Small Business

Setting up your own small business can be daunting. If you are new to being self-employed, there can be alot of new information to take in and a steep learning curve. However, there is plenty of support out there too. Here is some useful advice for beginners to get you started… Type of Business The … Read more

Organizing Your Office for 2020: the Best in Tools

Organizing Your Office for 2020: the Best in Tools

It’s good to be the boss. But while it’s nice to be in charge, being the head honcho also comes with a unique and demanding set of responsibilities. Your duties are never-ending, and your decisions have consequences that trickle down to every employee, and your bottom line. Everything from scheduling to payroll, employee and/or client … Read more

Freelancing: Is It Worth It?

Freelancing: Is It Worth It?

In today’s world, options are paramount. There is an expectation that we all work, raise a family, lead multi-faceted social lives and somehow look after our own personal wellbeing too. The reality is that we should set cultural expectation aside and not take on more than we can manage, but of course this is not … Read more

Top Four Tips For Starting Up Your Own Business

Top four tips for starting up your own business

Do you spend your working days dreaming of starting your own business? You’re not the only one, as plenty of people in full-time employment have aspirations of going it alone. A problem many people face is the risk factor involved in making their dream a reality, which prevents them from quitting their job and starting … Read more

Balancing The Boring And The Bracing In Business

When a lot of people first start looking into running their own business, the hard side of the work will often go completely ignored. Focusing on the idea of being able to make money from something you love will consume all of your thoughts, and spending time on mundane areas will often feel like a … Read more

Introducing My Guest Post Series: A Quick Cuppa With… 

I’m very excited to introduce you all to my brand new guest post series: A Quick Cuppa With… Each week I will be chatting to a fellow blogger or small business owner to find out more about them. I started this Q&A series because it’s a great way to connect with, and support, other independents. I … Read more