Damselflies, Daisies, Dandelions… and Early Starts: A-Z of 30 Days Wild

D is for… Damselflies! We loved watching damselflies in our garden, and when one got too close to our paddling pool we were more than glad to rescue it! Read about that here. D is also for daisies and dandelions. We love these simple garden wild flowers. (They are not weeds!) I have enjoyed taking … Read more

An Early Start (In More Ways Than One!) #30DaysWild 

We woke up super early last Sunday morning and watched the sunrise out of an upstairs window. It was really relaxing and a lovely feel – good way to start the day! Here is a speeded up video clip of it. (Note to self: window cleaner needed 😉 Ignore the dirty marks!)  https://youtu.be/Pr0i7oSMJcI We then … Read more