Keeping Things Simple: A-Z of 30 Days Wild

K is for… Keeping things simple. One of the things I most love about 30 Days Wild is that it isn’t about expensive days out and organising extravagent activities; it is about celebrating the simple everyday things, slowing ourselves down and stopping to appreciate the small things. It is about reconnecting with nature, and our … Read more

Damselflies, Daisies, Dandelions… and Early Starts: A-Z of 30 Days Wild

D is for… Damselflies! We loved watching damselflies in our garden, and when one got too close to our paddling pool we were more than glad to rescue it! Read about that here. D is also for daisies and dandelions. We love these simple garden wild flowers. (They are not weeds!) I have enjoyed taking … Read more

A – Z of 30 Days Wild: A is for… Ants!

As I explained yesterday, I am not going to be blogging about 30 Days Wild as heavily this year due to other commitments. But what I do intend to do is share an A – Z of my highlights from previous years, with a few snippets of our activities this year, and some guest posts … Read more

Welcome to 30 Days Wild… Our Way!

It’s the 1st June and that can only mean one thing… today is the start of 30 Days Wild! For those who don’t know, this is a challenge to carry out a ‘random act of wildness’ everyday (or as many as you can!) throughout June, to encourage people to get closer to nature – wherever … Read more

Stay Wild- Virtual Flashmob: A Rainbow of Colours

30 Days Wild by The Wildlife Trusts just announced a virtual ‘flashmob’ to help us all stay wild! Run outside right now, do something ‘wild’ and take a photo or video clip then share it online. So I grabbed my phone, went into the garden and looked for a rainbow of colours… It didn’t take … Read more