ZSL Whipsnade Zoo: Review (The Busy Papa)

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo: Review (The Busy Papa)

Squiggle and I have been to ZSL Whipsnade Zoo many times; infact, when she was younger, we were members for several years. We love it there. However, Aaron and the two papalites had never been before… until recently, when they visited to explore the wonders of Whipsnade Zoo for the first time, including the new … Read more

Paradise Wildlife Park Review: Guest Post by The Busy Papa

Paradise Wildlife Park review. ZSH, zoo, Hertfordshire. Family days out with kids.

Last week The Busy Papa visited Paradise Wildlife Park for the first time. Here is his review of their day out… *Disclosure: We were given free entry for himself and the two kids in exchange for writing this review. As always, all thoughts and opinions are our own. Paradise Wildlife Park (ZSH) is a family-run … Read more

A Typical Week in Home Education?

In reality there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ home education week for us; we are interest-led and we tend to go with the flow as we feel this suits our needs. The freedom to do this is one of the many reasons we love home educating. However, this post aims to give a … Read more