The Benefits Of Carpet

It can be a daunting task to choose the right floor covering. There are so many to choose from; carpet, wooden, laminate, marble, cork and vinyl are some popular choices that spring to mind. All of which then have further options that add to their benefits too. Ultimately, all these floor types have good reasons to choose them. I have lived in homes with many different types of flooring, and have noticed obvious pros and cons to both. Some of these also became more significant once I had a child to add to the equation too! For example, I found that laminate was a practical choice for parents (or the naturally clumsy!) given how easy it is to wipe clean, but was quite slippery for a little one learning how to crawl and walk. It was also quite versatile though for use with accompanying mats and rugs etc…. where and when needed. However, I do love the cosiness of carpets! Here are some of the reasons I like bedrooms and living rooms in particular to be carpeted… Noise Reduction Whatever the room, it is nice to avoid loud echoey footsteps disrupting your train of thought. Especially as parents, we all …

The Benefits Of Carpet, flooring, home, interior design, home decor

It can be a daunting task to choose the right floor covering. There are so many to choose from; carpet, wooden, laminate, marble, cork and vinyl are some popular choices that spring to mind. All of which then have further options that add to their benefits too. Ultimately, all these floor types have good reasons to choose them.

I have lived in homes with many different types of flooring, and have noticed obvious pros and cons to both. Some of these also became more significant once I had a child to add to the equation too! For example, I found that laminate was a practical choice for parents (or the naturally clumsy!) given how easy it is to wipe clean, but was quite slippery for a little one learning how to crawl and walk. It was also quite versatile though for use with accompanying mats and rugs etc…. where and when needed.

However, I do love the cosiness of carpets! Here are some of the reasons I like bedrooms and living rooms in particular to be carpeted…

The Benefits Of Carpet, flooring, home, interior design, home decor

Noise Reduction

Whatever the room, it is nice to avoid loud echoey footsteps disrupting your train of thought. Especially as parents, we all know that children can really stomp those heels to the ground! Carpet, unsurprisingly, is a quieter option.

This is especially beneficial if you have a child (or maybe even multiple) that are easily disturbed. It is also useful in the bedroom if you and your partner have different bedtime routines.


I love my bed! Granted, I don’t get enough time in it and am regularly forced to pry myself out, but I do love it. It’s a horrible feeling to leave the soothing warmth for the cold air outside of it. So, for me, the bedroom needs a warm, soft place for my feet as I am forced out of my cosy bed yet again!


Accidents happen. Especially with kids, but adults can be accident-prone too. For us parents, the extra cushioning from a tumble can be a massive factor in the choice made. If your child is prone to falling out of bed, the carpet will add that extra bit of protection that they need there too!

I think carpet for your home can be a fantastic choice for many reasons, and I’d argue there are rooms or situations where it definitely makes a lot of sense. Whether or not you choose carpet depends on the room and how it is used.

Carpet Tiles

Another option to consider are carpet tiles. There are plenty of benefits to these; they are very easy to install, and are extremely durable for example. They also tend to be cheaper. Fraying can be an issue but less so with good quality tiles. Whilst the old school look might not work for some, it is back in style, and the good thing is that you can also be very creative with them for a more unique look.

What is your favourite type of flooring and why? Tell me in comments!

*This is a collaborative post

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