The Silver Ladies of Penny Lane by Dee MacDonald: Guest Post by Tea and Cake for the Soul

Having read The Getaway Girls I was keen to read The Silver Ladies of Penny Lane, also by Dee MacDonald. This is a story about Orla and Tess, 2 ladies in their 60s, who run a boutique for larger ladies called Curvaceous. Both are single through divorce and/or death and as they are looking to lose weight and find love, they join a weight loss club and a dating agency. Tess seems to take both more seriously, wanting to look good and have a man on her arm for her daughters impending wedding, particularly as her first husband traded her in for a much younger slimmer wife. We follow the trials and tribulations of the 6 dates that Tess goes on via the dating agency in her quest to find love. And join her on her weight loss journey. You would think that life gets simpler with age but this shows that it doesn’t on either count. It very much highlights the pressure us ladies put ourselves under due to body confidence issues. This book is well written and easy to read with likeable and believable characters. It is light hearted, sometimes humorous and often moving, especially where Tess talks …

The Silver Ladies of Penny Lane by Dee MacDonald

Having read The Getaway Girls I was keen to read The Silver Ladies of Penny Lane, also by Dee MacDonald. This is a story about Orla and Tess, 2 ladies in their 60s, who run a boutique
for larger ladies called Curvaceous. Both are single through divorce and/or death and as they are looking to lose weight and find love, they join a weight loss club and a dating agency. Tess seems to take both more seriously, wanting to look good and have a man on her arm for her daughters impending wedding, particularly as her first husband traded her in for a much younger slimmer wife.

We follow the trials and tribulations of the 6 dates that Tess goes on via the dating agency in her quest to find love. And join her on her weight loss journey. You would think that life gets simpler with age but this shows that it doesn’t on either count. It very much highlights the pressure us ladies put ourselves under due to body confidence issues.

This book is well written and easy to read with likeable and believable characters. It is light hearted, sometimes humorous and often moving, especially where Tess talks about her late husband. Life can be cruel, but it’s nice that she wants to move on now. Everyone deserves some love and happiness. A great read that I didn’t put it down and read over a weekend.

Available on Kindle, audio and paperback. Released on Bookoutre 24 April 2019

The Silver Ladies of Penny Lane by Dee MacDonald

Author Bio

Jo blogs about the nicer things in life such as music, travel, books and cake, as well as covering important topics such as mental health, menopause and eco issues. If you like to read more of her book reviews check out her Recommended Reading section.

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