Top 5 Signs That You Need a New Mattress

Confused about whether you’re in need of a new mattress? It’s something that often gets forgotten for years at a time, and the signs that you may need a new one can be put down to your own health problems when in fact it is the surface you’re lying on for at least 6-8 hours per night. Though the general rule is to change your mattress every few years, many people find themselves feeling unsure about the exact point at which they need to do so. Some may feel that changing their mattress isn’t really required unless it’s obviously damaged in some way. If you’re feeling unsure, below are the top 5 signs that it’s time seriously consider investing in a new single mattress or double mattress: You’re sleeping badly Since our bed is where we sleep every night, it’s natural that our mattress will have an effect on our sleep quality. Poor sleep can have an impact on our mood and energy levels for the whole of the next day.  If you find yourself tossing and turning more often than not, your mattress could very well be the cause of it. Some people assume that bad sleep can only …

Confused about whether you’re in need of a new mattress? It’s something that often gets forgotten for years at a time, and the signs that you may need a new one can be put down to your own health problems when in fact it is the surface you’re lying on for at least 6-8 hours per night.

Though the general rule is to change your mattress every few years, many people find themselves feeling unsure about the exact point at which they need to do so. Some may feel that changing their mattress isn’t really required unless it’s obviously damaged in some way.

sleep, bed, mattress, interior design, home and garden, wellbeing, health

If you’re feeling unsure, below are the top 5 signs that it’s time seriously consider investing in a new single mattress or double mattress:

You’re sleeping badly

Since our bed is where we sleep every night, it’s natural that our mattress will have an effect on our sleep quality. Poor sleep can have an impact on our mood and energy levels for the whole of the next day.  If you find yourself tossing and turning more often than not, your mattress could very well be the cause of it.

Some people assume that bad sleep can only occur in older or damaged mattresses but this isn’t the case. If you have purchased a mattress that isn’t a good fit for your body type or sleeping position then it may be the reason you’re not getting a good night’s sleep. It doesn’t necessarily reflect on the quality or age of the mattress, it may just not be a good match for you.

Being well-rested is too important to not invest in. If you’re sleeping badly, it may just be time to start your hunt for the perfect mattress.

Your mattress looks or feels worn out

It’s important to monitor your mattress closely and regularly to check whether it is deteriorating in any way.  When you change your bed linen is a good time to do so. Inspect the mattress closely for any signs such as lumpiness or a sagging in the middle section.

If your mattress is quite clearly worn, it’s unlikely to offer you the support you need. It’s time to begin the search for a new one before it starts negatively impacting your sleep.

Your mattress is more than 5 years old

The general consensus is that you should look into investing in a new mattress every 5-8 years. An exact time can’t be given as this purely depends on the quality and durability of your current mattress. Some can even last up to 10 years, while others struggle to make it to the 5 year mark.

If your mattress is more than 5 years old, we’d suggest you start closely monitoring it to check for any possible decline. It won’t happen exactly on its 5th birthday, but you may start seeing wear and tear after this time.

You’re sleeping better in other beds

Many people don’t even know how great their sleep could be until they spend a divine night snoozing peacefully on a different bed and realise the importance of a mattress. Once you’ve had this experience it can be hard to go back. If this has happened to you, investigate how much it might cost the get the mattress that you had such an amazing night’s rest on.

You’re frequently waking up with aches and pains

Those of who are waking up stiff and sore more often than not need to look into getting a new mattress. Many people blame sitting in an office all, or a strenuous workout they may have done for their daily aches. You’d be surprised to find how often the mattress can be a cause of it.

This could because the structure of your mattress is in decline and it is not offering enough support. It could also be the case if your mattress is too firm or too soft for your specific needs. Either way, it definitely needs to be explored further as a new mattress may just offer you some much needed relief.

Visit Bed Mattress to view a high-quality range of luxury mattresses by Sloane & Sons. Pocket Sprung and Memory Foam mattresses are both available with free UK delivery and a 5 year guarantee. Find out more about the full collection on the website.

*Disclosure:This post is written in collaboration with Sloane & Sons.

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