30 Days Wild: Guest Post – Butcher Baker Baby

As promised, today is my first 30 Days Wild themed guest post. This one is written by Jules from Derbyshire. It is her first year taking part in the 30 Days Wild challenge! Here is her post… What is your favourite nature activity? Woodland walks particularly when they are full of snowdrops/bluebells. It reminds me of the change of seasons and that spring/summer are not too far behind. I’m lucky to have a stunning snowdrop wood (Dimminsdale) and bluebell wood (Serpents Wood at Calke Abbey) on my doorstep. We make sure every year we visit to take the beauty in. View this post on Instagram A post shared by J (@butcherbakerbaby) Where is your favourite wild place? Ilam near Dovedale in the Peak District. A beautiful valley that can be popular with walkers but it’s still possible to find pockets of calm. The drive down to the village provides stunning views across Dovedale/Manifold/Thorpe Cloud and the riverside woodland is a haven for plants. Late spring the wild garlic takes over. Come autumn the range of colours from the trees in the valley is stunning. Truly a beautiful place throughout the seasons. View this post on Instagram A post shared by …

As promised, today is my first 30 Days Wild themed guest post. This one is written by Jules from Derbyshire. It is her first year taking part in the 30 Days Wild challenge! Here is her post…

30 Days Wild guest post. ilam peak district image

What is your favourite nature activity?

Woodland walks particularly when they are full of snowdrops/bluebells. It reminds me of the change of seasons and that spring/summer are not too far behind. I’m lucky to have a stunning snowdrop wood (Dimminsdale) and bluebell wood (Serpents Wood at Calke Abbey) on my doorstep. We make sure every year we visit to take the beauty in.

Where is your favourite wild place?

Ilam near Dovedale in the Peak District. A beautiful valley that can be popular with walkers but it’s still possible to find pockets of calm. The drive down to the village provides stunning views across Dovedale/Manifold/Thorpe Cloud and the riverside woodland is a haven for plants. Late spring the wild garlic takes over. Come autumn the range of colours from the trees in the valley is stunning. Truly a beautiful place throughout the seasons.

Who or what inspired you to take part in the challenge?

Some friends did it last year.

You can find Jules over on Instagram: @butcherbakerbaby

What Random Act of Wildness did you do today? I would love to read about it in comments!

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