8 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is the main spice in curry and one of the most powerful herbs on the planet. For centuries, turmeric has been used as a medicine for relief and treatment of various diseases. The main reason behind its potential to improve our health is curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric. Although most of us know turmeric is healthy; sometimes we fail to realize all those amazing benefits it provides. This article will change that! Here are eight evidence-based benefits of turmeric and curcumin. 1. Anti-inflammatory effects Acute or short-term inflammation is good for your body because it helps fight pathogens and bad bacteria. However, chronic inflammation is a risk factor for numerous health conditions, but curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties. A study from the Alternative Medicine Review discovered that curcumin is an equally effective anti-inflammatory agent as medications used for this purpose, but without side effects. The compound uses a multifaceted approach to relieving inflammation, and one way of doing is through blocking NF-kB molecule which travels into the cells’ nuclei and activates genes related to inflammation. 2. Better memory Beta-amyloid plaques in your brain and oxidative stress, free radicals, and inflammation are main reasons behind weak memory, particularly when …

Turmeric is the main spice in curry and one of the most powerful herbs on the planet. For centuries, turmeric has been used as a medicine for relief and treatment of various diseases. The main reason behind its potential to improve our health is curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric. Although most of us know turmeric is healthy; sometimes we fail to realize all those amazing benefits it provides. This article will change that! Here are eight evidence-based benefits of turmeric and curcumin.

turmeric, health benefits, health, wellbeing, healthy eating, healthy living, guest post

1. Anti-inflammatory effects

Acute or short-term inflammation is good for your body because it helps fight pathogens and bad bacteria. However, chronic inflammation is a risk factor for numerous health conditions, but curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties. A study from the Alternative Medicine Review discovered that curcumin is an equally effective anti-inflammatory agent as medications used for this purpose, but without side effects. The compound uses a multifaceted approach to relieving inflammation, and one way of doing is through blocking NF-kB molecule which travels into the cells’ nuclei and activates genes related to inflammation.

2. Better memory

Beta-amyloid plaques in your brain and oxidative stress, free radicals, and inflammation are main reasons behind weak memory, particularly when it is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Thanks to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and lipophilic action, turmeric improves cognitive functions, according to a research from the Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology. Additionally, evidence shows that turmeric improves memory and attention span due to its ability to relieve inflammation and improve blood flow. Bearing in mind that turmeric influences different processes that nudge the brain in a positive direction is poses as one of the most effective ways to improve memory naturally.

3. Arthritis relief

Arthritis is a common problem that refers to inflammation of joints. As you can imagine, this joint pain can negatively affect your overall quality of life. The Phytotherapy Research published results of the study which found that curcumin was more effective for rheumatoid arthritis patients than anti-inflammatory medications. Curcumin works to block inflammatory cytokines and enzymes that contribute to the onset or severity of joint inflammation. This explains why numerous dietary supplements for arthritis and joint pain include turmeric on the ingredient list.

4. Cancer prevention

Cancer is a severe disease indicated by the abnormal growth of cells. Evidence demonstrates that curcumin affects cancer growth, development, and spread at the molecular level. The activity of curcumin was reported against lymphoma, gastrointestinal cancers, genitourinary cancers, ovarian and breast cancers, lung cancer, melanoma, neurological cancers, and other types of this serious disease. Curcumin has an amazing potential to reduce the growth of new blood vessels in tumors (angiogenesis), metastasis, and it plays a role in the death of cancerous cells.

5. Depression management

Benefits of Curcumin also extend to treating depression as confirmed by multiple studies. In one study, scientists enrolled 60 patients with depression and divided them into different groups: one took Prozac, the second group was assigned to curcumin, while participants in the third group received a combination of Prozac and curcumin. Results of the study revealed that participants in curcumin group experienced similar benefits to those in Prozac category. Additionally, the third group which received a combination of Prozac and curcumin experienced most benefits.

6. Heart health

According to the WHO, heart disease is the biggest killer in the world. Reducing the risk of heart disease requires a healthy lifestyle and a well-balanced diet. Make sure your new and improved lifestyle contains turmeric as well. Evidence shows that curcumin can help reverse steps in the heart disease process. When it comes to heart disease, the main benefit of curcumin is its ability to improve the function of the endothelium, the lining of the blood vessels. This is particularly useful if we bear in mind that dysfunction of endothelium prevents us from regulating blood pressure, blood clotting, and other factors that contribute to disease.

7. Anti-aging effects

Including turmeric into your lifestyle is one of the best anti-aging tips someone can give you. Why? That’s because it can improve quality and appearance of your skin in numerous ways including faster healing, correct oily skin, sun damage protection, skin cancer prevention, and treating chronic skin conditions due to anti-inflammatory properties.

Moreover, since curcumin has beneficial effects on heart health, brain health, arthritis, it is easy to conclude this compound improves longevity and helps you live longer and with better quality of life too.

8. Diabetes prevention and management

You’ve probably come across claims that turmeric can help you prevent or manage diabetes. Are they true? It turns out they are. A review of studies found that curcumin can decrease the level of glucose in blood and it can play a major role in diabetes prevention. Thanks to its role in stabilizing blood sugar levels, turmeric can also help people with diabetes manage their condition. Of course, if you already have diabetes, you should consult your doctor before taking turmeric.


Turmeric is the most potent herb in the world, and it is clear way – its active compound, curcumin, helps you improve overall health and quality of life. You can consume turmeric through curry or, as many people do, through dietary supplements.








Author Bio:

Sophie Addison is a popular blogger and skincare expert. She is very passionate about writing about skincare and beauty. She has posted articles on tips for fine lines and wrinkles, information about arthritis, improving memory and fitness routine. Apart from work she likes gardening and listening music. You can also contact her on Facebook, and Pinterest.

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