A Quick Cuppa With… Pure Nourish

I hope everyone is ok? Yesterday might have been considered blue Monday, but I hope it passed by in a rainbow of colours for you all! And if it didn’t, I hope today feels a little brighter… and please remember my inbox is always open! Today my guest post series features Latoya of Pure Nourish talking about her biggest inspirations and her love of reading… Hi Latoya, thanks for being part of my guest series! Can you start by telling us abit about yourself? I was born in South Africa and moved to Scotland when I was 8. I now live in Manchester with my partner, Drew and my daughter, Amber. Name one random fact about yourself. I have a Dettol obsession. Who is your biggest inspiration? Blogger wise I love Zanna van Dijk and The Food Medic, they both give professional health and fitness tips and balance careers whilst being successful bloggers. Away from blogging Oprah and Michelle Obama. Both fiercely independent women who have came from very little to become the women they are today. Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it? My blog started off just covering Nutrition, I had …

I hope everyone is ok? Yesterday might have been considered blue Monday, but I hope it passed by in a rainbow of colours for you all! And if it didn’t, I hope today feels a little brighter… and please remember my inbox is always open!

Today my guest post series features Latoya of Pure Nourish talking about her biggest inspirations and her love of reading…

A Quick Cuppa With, Pure Nourish, blogger, guest post, interview, Q and A, Living Life Our Way

Hi Latoya, thanks for being part of my guest series! Can you start by telling us abit about yourself?

I was born in South Africa and moved to Scotland when I was 8. I now live in Manchester with my partner, Drew and my daughter, Amber.

Name one random fact about yourself.

I have a Dettol obsession.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

Blogger wise I love Zanna van Dijk and The Food Medic, they both give professional health and fitness tips and balance careers whilst being successful bloggers. Away from blogging Oprah and Michelle Obama. Both fiercely independent women who have came from very little to become the women they are today.

Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it?

My blog started off just covering Nutrition, I had just given birth and I wanted to document my change in lifestyle and better food choices. It now covers health, food and lifestyle.

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

At the moment I blog full-time and work 3/4 days a week during school hours. It is hard to juggle both and be a mum but I get up an hour earlier to do any admin like emails, schedule tweets and promote new posts. I also blog a lot at night once Amber is asleep.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

Don’t compare yourself to others. When I started out I would get frustrated at not being able to get to the gym as much as some health bloggers or have as much time to post recipes. But I was balancing work and being a mum and they were students with more time. It can be upsetting if other bloggers are getting opportunities that you aren’t, but if you work hard and network those opportunities will come your way.

Such wise sensible advice! I completely agree, thanks for that reminder. How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’?

I love reading, especially self-help books and self-development. My aim for 2017 is to read a book a month. Away from reading I enjoy walks with my family and I always make time to watch Coronation Street.

What are your favourite family activities, apart from walks?

Going for meals, we usually go for a nice lunch twice a month. We also enjoy country walks and art-based crafts.

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

Our local park. Nice and close and it’s always quiet and well maintained.

Best family day out?

A family swim followed by ice-cream and home for Disney movies.

Sounds fabulous 🙂 

Thank you again for taking part!

You can find Latoya at her blog…


Or on instagram…


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