A Quick Cuppa With… The Baby Boat Diaries

I literally cannot believe that tomorrow is February! How was everybody’s January? I won’t lie, ours has been tough. Hopefully February will be better! Anyway, today I am excited to introduce you all to another fab blog; The Baby Boat Diaries… Hello, thanks for joining us! Tell us about yourself… I am 25 years old, from the East Midlands. I have a 13 month old daughter and a 27 year old man child. I have alopecia areata. And work in early years. Name one random fact about yourself. I have a BA combined honours degree in Dance and Drama. And a postgraduate Early Years Teacher Qualification. Who is your biggest inspiration? My biggest inspiration for most of what have done is my Aunty Nadiya. She inspired me to go to University and to Breastfeed. She has been a big influence in my life. Through childhood, adulthood and motherhood. Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it? My blog is www.thebabyboatdiaries.com I started the blog following the birth of my daughter during my maternity leave. The main theme is Parenting and a bit of personal. My daughter was my main inspiration. I had a …

I literally cannot believe that tomorrow is February! How was everybody’s January? I won’t lie, ours has been tough. Hopefully February will be better! Anyway, today I am excited to introduce you all to another fab blog; The Baby Boat Diaries

A Quick Cuppa With, The Baby Boat Diaries, blogger, guest post, interview, Q and A, Living Life Our Way

Hello, thanks for joining us! Tell us about yourself…
I am 25 years old, from the East Midlands. I have a 13 month old daughter and a 27 year old man child. I have alopecia areata. And work in early years.

Name one random fact about yourself.

I have a BA combined honours degree in Dance and Drama. And a postgraduate Early Years Teacher Qualification.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration for most of what have done is my Aunty Nadiya. She inspired me to go to University and to Breastfeed. She has been a big influence in my life. Through childhood, adulthood and motherhood.

Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it?

My blog is www.thebabyboatdiaries.com I started the blog following the birth of my daughter during my maternity leave. The main theme is Parenting and a bit of personal. My daughter was my main inspiration. I had a lot to say about becoming a mum.

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

Blogging is something I do for fun. Although this year I hope to make more time for it. I work pretty much full time as an Assistant Manager in a day nursery. I fit it in where I can!

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

Speak from the heart. Personal posts every now and again can be very uplifting for you and your readers.

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’?

With my family!

What are your favourite family activities?

We love going outside for walks.

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

The Zoo!

Best family day out?

We had a great time visiting our nearest Sea Life Centre on Aoife’s 1st Birthday. Even included a train ride to get there!

Sounds wonderful! Thank you so much for taking part, it was lovely to meet you!

Find out more about The Baby Boat Diaries here…


Facebook: thebabyboatdiaries

Instagram: thebabyboatdiaries


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