A Quick Cuppa With… Stephanie (Avec Amour) 

Today, the wonderfully creative and very lovely Stephanie from Avec Amour is chatting to me about her recent wedding and honeymoon, and how she found herself running a lovely little business selling gorgeous handcrafted home decor items and gifts shortly after… Thanks for taking part Stephanie! Tell me about yourself and your business… My name is Stephanie and I’m almost 23 years old. I live in a town called Workington which is in Cumbria, North West of England. My hobbies include: animals, shopping, photography, horror movies, travelling (especially to USA) and anything that involves creativity! This year has been a very busy one for me because in the summer something wonderful happened; I married my best friend, Joe. Joe was my high school sweetheart and we have now been together for over 8 years! Like all relationships it has been a roller coaster but I’m lucky and grateful to have such a loving, caring and family-oriented man for a Husband. We are planning to travel a bit more before we start our family. After leaving school, I took (a few more than average!) wrong turns in my life. Joe started an apprenticeship in Mechanical Engineering which he absolutely loved, so I thought …

Today, the wonderfully creative and very lovely Stephanie from Avec Amour is chatting to me about her recent wedding and honeymoon, and how she found herself running a lovely little business selling gorgeous handcrafted home decor items and gifts shortly after…

A Quick Cuppa With, Avec Amour, handmade items, creative, interview, Q and A, guest post, small business, competition, giveaway, picture frame, candle jar

Thanks for taking part Stephanie! Tell me about yourself and your business…

My name is Stephanie and I’m almost 23 years old. I live in a town called Workington which is in Cumbria, North West of England. My hobbies include: animals, shopping, photography, horror movies, travelling (especially to USA) and anything that involves creativity! This year has been a very busy one for me because in the summer something wonderful happened; I married my best friend, Joe.

Joe was my high school sweetheart and we have now been together for over 8 years! Like all relationships it has been a roller coaster but I’m lucky and grateful to have such a loving, caring and family-oriented man for a Husband. We are planning to travel a bit more before we start our family.

After leaving school, I took (a few more than average!) wrong turns in my life. Joe started an apprenticeship in Mechanical Engineering which he absolutely loved, so I thought an apprenticeship would suit me too after hearing so many great things about them. I was an apprentice teaching assistant in a primary school for one year and then they didn’t have enough funding to keep me after that.

For a while I took some time to think about something else I could maybe try. I thought that because I am a very organised person, maybe office work would be suitable for me. I worked in three different office environments in 2014 and 2015 and because I was young with a sensitive personality, I was picked on and bullied in all three of these places with the last one being being the worst. It got so bad that Joe and my parents told me that they wanted me to leave, so I did for my sake of my health.

I have since got my health back on track and I’m much happier! My creativity started to shine through at the beginning of 2016 and at least once a week I got the urge to be creative. The results were handmade wedding invitations and a lot of handmade wedding decor; and subsequently many compliments from our wedding guests!

We spent our honeymoon in Florida. We did the lot, including Disney World and Universal Studios, which includes The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! My Husband and I are both huge fans of Disney and Harry Potter. We thoroughly enjoyed our honeymoon; Joe even more so, because it was his first time in the USA.

So after getting home I got the urge to create some Disney and Harry Potter themed home decor items, and then I thought… I love doing things like this, maybe I could start a little hobby business, because why not? Take a risk and do it, because life is too short. Joe was 100% for it too because all he wants is for me to be happy. Then I gathered up all of my ideas and started my business.

Wow. That’s such a lovely answer, thank you for sharing!

Do you have any specific goals or hopes for your business this coming year?

My only goals are: to create items that brighten up the days of others and to continue to gain joy out of it. If I’m inspired enough to come up with any ideas for a brand new product then that would be a bonus!

Love it, what a great goal!

Tell me one random fact about yourself…

A random fact.. I’m addicted to drinking tea!

What is your favourite outdoor activity?

I will admit that I don’t do lots of outdoor activities at the moment but I enjoy the occasional long forest walk with my Husband.

A lovely long walk in the woods is very relaxing I find! And you live in such a beautiful part of England too; fabulous for outdoor walks I’m sure! So if you could tell someone visiting your part of the country for the first time just one outdoor place they simply must go, where would you suggest?

For someone visiting Cumbria for the beautiful outdoors and scenery, I would recommend Whinlatter because the forests are absolutely beautiful and Go Ape! is also there, which is great fun for families/couples.

Sounds amazing!

Thank you so much for chatting to me Stephanie, and all the best with your fab business. 

Check out Stephanie’s beautiful range of items at www.facebook.com/avecamourx  

She has generously offered a wonderful prize to one lucky winner, consisting of a pretty Lace & Ribbon Candle Jar (with a choice of 10 different ribbon colours) and a gorgeous Themed Picture Frame (either Disney, Harry Potter or Wedding themed). Enter via rafflecopter below. (T&Cs apply)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I’m sure she would appreciate some love over on her page, so do pop over to take a peek! 

161 thoughts on “A Quick Cuppa With… Stephanie (Avec Amour) ”

  1. Pink ribbon and wedding theme frame please. I popped over and had a look round your friends pages, great items, I like her Xmas named baubles.

  2. Pink ribbon, Disney frame…..my first born daughter is expecting her first baby girl in May, this would be perfect as my daughter is Disney mad !

  3. silver ribbon with the Harry Potter themed frame please, my son is H.P mad. thank you, fingers crossed for me and good luck to everybody.

  4. Would have to be a Purple Ribbon as this is my favorite colour and the Disney frame as we are all massive Disney fans 🙂

  5. I would like a natural ribbon please (beige) and would love the date we moved in 23/09/2016 as we are not getting married but it is still a special date for us xxx

  6. I like the sound of a red ribbon and would love the Harry Potter theme – we really enjoyed watching the Harry Potter films on the TV over Christmas break.


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