Anca’s Lifestyle – 30 Days Wild Guest Post

Sorry, I have been super quiet regarding 30 Days Wild – I haven’t got very far with my alphabet, or any other posts I intended to write for this! It has been a challenging week though to be honest. Onwards and upwards… Anyway, here is a brief guest post from Anca in Liverpool. Do check out her blog It’s a lovely blog, she writes about some really cool stuff. We seem to share similar tastes! What is your favourite nature activity? I love walking and exploring. There are so many wonderful things to see in nature and I think the slower pace of walking makes it great for admiring it. Where is your favourite wild place? As I love discovering new places, I don’t have a place where I go again and again. I like a local farm though, that has a lovely nature walk besides the farm shop, there are peacocks too. Who or what inspired you to take part in the challenge? I want to go out more, hence taking part in this year’s challenge.

Sorry, I have been super quiet regarding 30 Days Wild – I haven’t got very far with my alphabet, or any other posts I intended to write for this! It has been a challenging week though to be honest. Onwards and upwards…

Anyway, here is a brief guest post from Anca in Liverpool. Do check out her blog It’s a lovely blog, she writes about some really cool stuff. We seem to share similar tastes!

30 Days Wild guest post. Image of steel man sculpture at Liverpool beach.

What is your favourite nature activity?

I love walking and exploring. There are so many wonderful things to see in nature and I think the slower pace of walking makes it great for admiring it.

Where is your favourite wild place?

As I love discovering new places, I don’t have a place where I go again and again. I like a local farm though, that has a lovely nature walk besides the farm shop, there are peacocks too.

Who or what inspired you to take part in the challenge?

I want to go out more, hence taking part in this year’s challenge.

2 thoughts on “Anca’s Lifestyle – 30 Days Wild Guest Post”

  1. Ah I hope everything is ok at home, with regards to your challenging week. This seems like a simple but positive series. There’s nothing better than getting back to nature. My toddler is happiest when he’s outside doing his own thing. Less overwhelming.


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