Drive-By Shouting by Mark Chase – Blog Tour

About the Book When Matt Mann grabbed showbiz success by the throat, he also trampled on the dreams of Gram Kane, his closest friend. Matt has ridden the gravy train for seven heady years, while successfully keeping a lid on his old friend’s resentment. That is; until now. Matt’s moral vacuum has now seen him betray yet another friend – but this time, it’s one who has the power to ruthlessly punish him, and take away everything that he’s achieved.  Drive-By Shouting is an exhilarating showbiz ride, with a bitter comic edge and a palpable undercurrent of malevolence. Author Q & A What is the first book you remember reading or having read to you? The Oxford English Dictionary! I lived with my maternal Grandmother – and she was a stickler for finding out what words meant, whenever they cropped up. She came from a pretty humble background in South Wales – but know that good grammar and a decent vocabulary could carry you a long way. Who is your favourite literary character? Logan Mountstuart in William Boyd’s ‘Any Human Heart.’ Thoroughly irreverent – and a great companion through many of the 20th Century’s great events. What are you currently …

About the Book

When Matt Mann grabbed showbiz success by the throat, he also trampled on the dreams of Gram Kane, his closest friend. Matt has ridden the gravy train for seven heady years, while successfully keeping a lid on his old friend’s resentment. That is; until now.
Matt’s moral vacuum has now seen him betray yet another friend – but this time, it’s one who has the power to ruthlessly punish him, and take away everything that he’s achieved. 

Drive-By Shouting is an exhilarating showbiz ride, with a bitter comic edge and a palpable undercurrent of malevolence.

Mark Chase, Drive-By Shouting, book, guest post, author, interview, Q and A, blog tour

Author Q & A

What is the first book you remember reading or having read to you?

The Oxford English Dictionary! I lived with my maternal Grandmother – and she was a stickler for finding out what words meant, whenever they cropped up. She came from a pretty humble background in South Wales – but know that good grammar and a decent vocabulary could carry you a long way.

Who is your favourite literary character?

Logan Mountstuart in William Boyd’s ‘Any Human Heart.’ Thoroughly irreverent – and a great companion through many of the 20th Century’s great events.

What are you currently reading?

I’ve just finished Kate Atkinson’s ‘A God in Ruins,’ the companion book to ‘Life After Life.’ A wonderful read – and I’m consistently impressed by her ability to weave alternative realities together at the same time.

Who is your hero or heroine (real or fictional)?

Without wishing to be sappy; I really do think a lot of my wife; Jacqueline! She’s whip-smart when I need advice or critical analysis – but also has the kindest heart I’ve ever encountered. If it has to be somebody notable; then it’s David Bowie. At his 1970’s peak, he was lyrically and musically, just about as good as it’s possible to get.

Where are you happiest?

On the Beach in East Sussex; near Rye. Whatever the weather, I always feel glad to be alive when I’m there.

If I joined you on your perfect day, what would we be doing?

We’d wake up in a cottage on the beach in East Sussex and walk along the wet sandbanks at low tide. We’d have lunch at ‘The Globe Inn Marsh’ and a wander around Rye (an amazingly beautiful medieval town), before taking the train to London for a Blues/Jazz gig at Ronnie Scott’s, followed by coffee at Café Italia – and a late night walk down the South Bank. We’d be a bit knackered; but happy!

What do you think is the best thing about social media?

It gives you a great sense of community. It’s like being able to pop into 6 different pubs simultaneously; each with a different group of friends in it.

Why did you write a book?

I have known that I would write for a long time. I was a songwriter for quite a few years, where brevity is the key. I liked the idea of turning that discipline on it’s head – and stretching and exploring ideas, rather than reducing them down to their pithiest elements. It’s one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done. So, I’m doing it again…

Why did you choose your particular genre?

I don’t think I fit neatly into a genre (which is either a virtue or a weakness). I felt compelled to write about the music business and particularly the random nature of success in the arts, which is unlike any other area of life. You don’t see many exceptionally talented dentists struggling to make a living; but the world is awash with brilliant musicians, actors, writers and artists, all desperately trying to pay the rent. The idea of exploring this within a thriller seemed natural and instinctive.

What’s the best thing about writing a book?

The sense of adventure that you get from thinking, “I wonder what would happen if…” and then being the one who gets to decide everybody’s fate. There’s more than a hint of ‘God complex’ to it.

guest post, author, interview, Q and A, blog tour

About the Author

Liverpool born, Chase has been a TV Presenter on a variety of shows, including; The Survivors Guide, Sextalk (both C4), Breakfast Time, Going Live! (BBC1), Wideangle, Country File (ITV) and Toyah & Chase (VH-1). On Radio, he has hosted BBC 5Live’s After Hours and The Chase is On. Behind the scenes, he has worked as a Producer on both Comic Relief & Sport Aid and has written for several publications, including Esquire, the NME, Melody Maker, Maxim and Red.

Mark was the leader of the notorious 90’s band World of Leather, who released 2 albums and numerous singles through Sony Records. They toured extensively in the UK and Europe and sold respectably in Japan & Scandinavia, whilst skillfully avoiding the UK charts.

Prior to this, Chase had been a successful session musician & session singer, working with numerous artists including Belinda Carlisle, Taylor Dayne, Big Trouble & John Barrowman. 

He lives in East Sussex with his wife, Jacqueline, and their 4 children.

Drive- By Shouting, Mark Chase, guest post, author, interview, Q and A, blog tour, Living Life Our Way

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