The Importance of Self- Care: Why the Bathroom is One of the Most Important Rooms in Our Home

As a parent, especially as a carer too, it can be difficult to find time to relax. Yet self-care is essential. And that is why for some people the bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the home. It is often a place of sanctuary; whether that is simply a chance to quickly grab two minutes to take a refeshing shower, to enjoy a long hot soak in the bath, or give yourself some much needed pampering time. Here are some fab reasons to retreat to the bathroom… It has a lock! (Usually!!!) For many family homes, this maybe the only room in the house where you can literally lock yourself away and get away from it all, while still being in the comfort of your own home. The psychological impact of knowing nobody can barge in any second is actually just as significant as the lock itself. It means guaranteed space to yourself until you choose to leave! Sense of privacy It is often more accepted and expected that people in the bathroom should be left alone. Granted this isn’t always the case(!) but there is perhaps slightly more chance compared to other rooms… in theory at …

As a parent, especially as a carer too, it can be difficult to find time to relax. Yet self-care is essential. And that is why for some people the bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the home. It is often a place of sanctuary; whether that is simply a chance to quickly grab two minutes to take a refeshing shower, to enjoy a long hot soak in the bath, or give yourself some much needed pampering time. Here are some fab reasons to retreat to the bathroom…

It has a lock! (Usually!!!)

For many family homes, this maybe the only room in the house where you can literally lock yourself away and get away from it all, while still being in the comfort of your own home. The psychological impact of knowing nobody can barge in any second is actually just as significant as the lock itself. It means guaranteed space to yourself until you choose to leave!

Sense of privacy

It is often more accepted and expected that people in the bathroom should be left alone. Granted this isn’t always the case(!) but there is perhaps slightly more chance compared to other rooms… in theory at least! This means you can take some time-out in relative peace. (Hopefully!)

Water is relaxing

Taking a shower or soaking in the bath is a good way to unwind. The water soothes and helps to de-stress both your body and mind.

We all need a little pampering

Whether it is a luxurious bath filled with oils or salts, a gorgeous face mask, or simply doing a quick wax, it feels good to look after yourself. So treat yourself to some lovely pampering then leave the bathroom feeling rejuvinated, ready to take on the world!

A lady pampering herself in the bath

So how to make the most of this ‘bathroom time’ then? Well here are some top tips to make the most of your bathroom…

Set the mood

Dim the lights, add one of your favourite scents and turn on some music. Even if it is just a two minute sanity-saving trip to the bathroom, you could blast out one of your favourite tunes while you escape to let off some steam!

A lovely bathroom with typical bathroom features including a comfy stool

Make yourself comfortable

Consider having somewhere to sit (other than the obvious!) in the bathroom if you plan to be in there for some pampering time, as it isn’t exactly much fun being perched on the edge of the bath for long. A small bathroom bench, or even chair if your bathroom is big enough, would be perfect.

If you prefer showers, you could even consider getting a shower seat if you feel more comfortable sat down. Also, walk-in showers are essential to self- care for those with mobility issues.

A shower cubicle with seat

Don’t forget supplies

Grab yourself some snacks, and pour yourself a drink. Perhaps even take in a book or magazine. And of course don’t forget whatever bathroom accessories you intend to pamper yourself with too!

So there you have it! My essential guide to making the most of your bathroom for self- care, and why you should definitely consider the bathroom to be of the most important rooms in your home!

What are your best self- care tips? And why do you love your bathroom? Let me know in comments!

*Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

6 thoughts on “The Importance of Self- Care: Why the Bathroom is One of the Most Important Rooms in Our Home”

  1. I love my bathroom time! I have a bathboard and when I go there to relax I make it special – I think it is so important to take time for yourself even just having a bath with candles and a drink once in a while!

  2. I so agree that the bathroom is probably the most important room in the house for self care. When I was a child, I used to be taken to hot springs occasionally for a swim. The sheer joy of floating around in warm water was magical. I absolutely loved it and never wanted to get out. These days, the next best thing is my bath so I make sure it is warm, deep and fragrant. Aaaah!

  3. I totally agree! We have a tiny bathroom in our house and we are constantly stepping over each other to use the mirror in the morning, but it’s very organized so I can atleast not stress about that!


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