Why Should I Date Myself?
Dating yourself is actually a form of self-love. This practice focuses on showing yourself appreciation, love, and care while also metaphorically filling your cup before you fill others’ cups. Self-love is a critical part of maintaining a healthy self-esteem and emotional state. Because self-love is so rewarding, we highly recommend dating yourself with the goal of infusing more self-love into your life.
So, how to date yourself?
Taking Yourself on a Date: Top Suggestions
So, how do you go about dating yourself? It’s simple, really. Dating yourself could look like any other date you’ve ever been on. But, before you start planning fun date nights for yourself, ask yourself about the ways you receive or would like to receive love. It’s a great idea to envision the kinds of dates that you would like to go on so that you can plan special days like this that excite you.
That said, a word of warning–be careful splurging. If your budget doesn’t have room for a $500 shopping spree, then going on a $500 shopping spree is a mistake. Sure, it might be fun when you’re out shopping, but the regret and stress that follow will undo all the good of your me-time. Just be careful and find things that are rewarding for you that don’t blow your budget.
Below are a few favorite date ideas to get your imagination started. Whatever you choose, get out there and have some fun!

Something Outdoorsy
Do adventure and nature make you feel re-energized and recharged? Planning an outdoorsy date may be up your alley. If you love to be out in nature or you live off of the adrenaline rush of doing something adventurous like hiking, surfing, going on a picnic, or going on a bike ride, you may want to treat yourself to more days like this.
Dinner for One
It may be extremely nerve-racking to think of eating dinner alone at a restaurant, but it’s actually quite nice. You don’t have to worry about splitting your food or compromising on what you want to order. Get dressed up for a night out at your favorite restaurant. While you may feel weird at first dining alone, that feeling will go away. Pack something to do while you’re waiting; perhaps read a good book or allow yourself “guilt-free” time to catch up on social media. If going out to dinner on your own puts you on edge a little too much, you can always order in some takeout and binge-watch your favorite TV shows or movie.

Throw Some Clay
Do you have any pottery or clay studios nearby? If so, you may want to take yourself on a date there. Throwing clay has many psychological benefits, including helping you process and move through emotions. Having a physical activity and freedom to create, like throwing clay, can also help ground you. You could get lost in this hobby — in the best way possible — and it makes for a great self-date.
Treat Yourself to a Spa Day
We honestly can’t think of a better answer to “how to date yourself” than a spa day. Spa days allow you to indulge in things that make you feel relaxed and beautiful. Whether a spa day to you is visiting an ancient bath, getting a massage, getting your nails done, or scheduling a facial at your favorite med spa, all of these sound like great ways to unwind and provide yourself with a lot of extra self-love.
Change Up Your Hair
If you are in need of a major change — beyond wardrobe — schedule a hair appointment and plan to drastically change your look. This may be a risky date to plan for yourself, but it will be an exciting activity that encourages you to take more chances while learning to not take life so seriously! Once you change your hair, you’ll be able to demonstrate that you can trust yourself more to make great decisions. What a productive — and fun — date!
If filling others’ cups helps you to feel more fulfilled, volunteer some of your time to help others. This will be an extremely fulfilling date for those who find purpose in taking care of others. But we would love to remind you that you should also plan a date night that focuses on you, too.
Shopping Spree
Is your love language clothing and fashion? If so, it may be time to update your wardrobe with a few new items that make you excited to get dressed every day. Whether it’s new loungewear to help make working from home just a bit more comfortable or a new dress for a night on the town, searching for something that speaks to you can be a great way to spend some time.
Now, if you don’t have a Rodeo Drive budget, don’t despair. A lot of people have discovered the joys of secondhand treasure-hunting. At the end of the day, it is much less about what you buy than it is about spending some time paying attention to what speaks to you. And, if you end up with a new favorite piece of clothing, then all the better!
Take a Fun Fitness or Dance Class
If heading to the gym is already on your self-care to-do list, you may want to take a new class a little outside of your comfort zone; for example, yoga, pilates, kickboxing, or cross-fit. Challenging yourself will give you a major confidence boost because it shows you how successful you can be when you try things outside of your comfort zone. Signing up for a dance class is also a good way to ignite your sensuality and reconnect with your inner femininity.

Plan a Trip
This is the ultimate date! If you have never taken a solo trip before, we’re telling you: You have to try it! Where is one place that you have always wanted to go to? Whether it’s a road trip or an international flight, you deserve to treat yourself to a trip. Solo traveling can also serve as a huge opportunity for personal growth because it takes you out of your day-to-day routine and challenges you. If you have been thinking about taking a trip, this is your sign! Book it!
If you’re just now getting into the idea of dating yourself, we hope you found this article helpful. We love planning solo or self-dates because they can be fulfilling and challenging. Now that you have some ideas on how to date yourself – start planning a perfect self-love day!
It’s never bad to treat yourself, cater to your needs, and, ultimately, learn to love yourself the way you want to be loved.