Life in Rose Tinted Glasses: 30 Days Wild (Guest Post)

Today’s guest post is by George from Gloucestershire, who is completing the 30 Days Wild challenge for the first time. They write over at Life in Rose Tinted Glasses. Read on… What is your favourite nature activity? We love walking the dog up the local hills. They’re easy to access, free to park at and have a play area as well so we all have fun. We love the fact that you can go to them all year round and the views from the top are worth the effort. Where is your favourite wild place? Wenchford in the Forest of Dean. It has a little stream that you can paddle in, lovely trails to walk along and a great picnic area. It’s beautiful there, even with the crowds in summer it always feels peaceful and relaxing. We’ve spent hours there and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anybody moan they are bored! Who or what inspired you to take part in the challenge? We need to get outdoors more. We’ve not got out of the habit of staying in since winter and we need to get out and enjoy the little bit of summer England gets.

Today’s guest post is by George from Gloucestershire, who is completing the 30 Days Wild challenge for the first time. They write over at Life in Rose Tinted Glasses. Read on…

30 Days Wild guest post - life in rose tinted glasses

What is your favourite nature activity?

We love walking the dog up the local hills. They’re easy to access, free to park at and have a play area as well so we all have fun. We love the fact that you can go to them all year round and the views from the top are worth the effort.

Where is your favourite wild place?

Wenchford in the Forest of Dean. It has a little stream that you can paddle in, lovely trails to walk along and a great picnic area. It’s beautiful there, even with the crowds in summer it always feels peaceful and relaxing. We’ve spent hours there and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anybody moan they are bored!

Who or what inspired you to take part in the challenge?

We need to get outdoors more. We’ve not got out of the habit of staying in since winter and we need to get out and enjoy the little bit of summer England gets.

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