I guess like many people, some days I feel like I am absolutely nailing life, whilst others I feel like I have accomplished pretty much nothing. (Although I know that is never true in reality).
But what do we even mean by accomplishments? It is so subjective, isn’t it? What one person considers an accomplishment, someone else might take for granted completely. For some people, sometimes, just managing to get out of bed and take a shower is an accomplishment. And I think we should acknowledge that; every success should be recognised, even if it looks very different to our own idea of what it means!
I believe it is important to celebrate, or at least acknowledge, all our achievements, both big and small – not just the huge stuff. It is good for our wellbeing to focus on our daily accomplishments as part of having a positive outlook.

In terms of bigger accomplishments, I am proud that I achieved a first degree BEd at university. But then again, I am equally proud of myself for going against the grain by leaving the system, adapting my lifestyle and choosing to home educate in order to meet my daughter’s individual needs. I wonder if I would have made the same decision if I had not been a teacher though? Funny how life works out!
What is your biggest accomplishment, big or small? Tell me in comments, I would love to celebrate your successes with you!