Keeping Things Simple: A-Z of 30 Days Wild

K is for… Keeping things simple. One of the things I most love about 30 Days Wild is that it isn’t about expensive days out and organising extravagent activities; it is about celebrating the simple everyday things, slowing ourselves down and stopping to appreciate the small things. It is about reconnecting with nature, and our … Read more

Earning by the Sea: 30 Days Wild Guest Post

My last 30 Days Wild guest post is by Kaya La Roche, 34 years old, from Margate Kent. She blogs at What is your favourite nature activity? We really enjoy woodland walks as a family and walking our dog Lola on the beach. I feel really lucky to live a five minute walk from … Read more

Hedgehogs, Insects, Identification and Jumping in Puddles! (A-Z of 30 Days Wild)

H is for… Hedgehogs! We were so excited the one and only time we have ever spotted a hedgehog in our garden! I is for… Insects. We really enjoy studying insects, observing them and finding out more about them. We have completed many activities around this topic! I found some useful tips on … Read more

Garden, Growing, Grounding… A-Z of 30 Days Wild

G is for… Garden We spend alot of time in our garden. We help to encourage wildlife and nature into it, then take the time to enjoy it! During 30 Days Wild, we did many simple activities in our garden that embraces the whole concept of 30 Days Wild. You don’t have to just go … Read more

Damselflies, Daisies, Dandelions… and Early Starts: A-Z of 30 Days Wild

D is for… Damselflies! We loved watching damselflies in our garden, and when one got too close to our paddling pool we were more than glad to rescue it! Read about that here. D is also for daisies and dandelions. We love these simple garden wild flowers. (They are not weeds!) I have enjoyed taking … Read more

Life in Rose Tinted Glasses: 30 Days Wild (Guest Post)

Today’s guest post is by George from Gloucestershire, who is completing the 30 Days Wild challenge for the first time. They write over at Life in Rose Tinted Glasses. Read on… What is your favourite nature activity? We love walking the dog up the local hills. They’re easy to access, free to park at and … Read more

Birds and Bees… and Click Beetles! (A-Z of 30 Days Wild)

B is for…. Birds and bees! We have both loved bird watching and listening to bird sounds as part of 30 Days Wild; this is an annual favourite for me personally! It is amazing when you stay so still and silent, and just really tune into just the birds, how many different ones you will … Read more