– How To Choose A Suitable Childcare Provider #AD

At the time of writing this, the UK is in the middle of a lockdown. Right now, the majority of children are staying at home with a parent, guardian, family member or friend. Schools are only open for childcare purposes; to enable essential key workers to continue their jobs whilst the country is in Coronavirus … Read more

Checklist When You Need Legal Services For Your Family

Checklist When You Need Legal Services For Your Family

Unfortunately a lot of people in England nowadays require the services of a family law firm. There is no denying that divorce rates are high these days; my own decree was pronounced a couple of days ago infact. However, there are also a number of other reasons why you may find yourself requiring the service … Read more

A Lot Of Meaning In A Little Package: Creating A Memory Box For The Kids

A Lot Of Meaning In A Little Package: Creating A Memory Box For The Kids

You may go on various adventures with the family, and, if you got young kids, perhaps you want to crystallize this time, so they can look back and see what they were like as children and you can remember those fond memories. As such, a memory box is one of those little items that can … Read more

How To Create The Ultimate Kid’s Room

How to create the ultimate kid’s room

Most of us will have fond memories of our childhood bedrooms. Whether you were sharing with a sibling or you had your own space, your room was your adventure playground away from the boring adultness of the rest of the house where you could play until your heart was content. Now we’re the boring adults, … Read more

Benefits Of Holiday Clubs: Barracudas Activity Camp (#AD)

Barracudas activity camp. Holiday club. Go karting.

Back when I was a university student studying for my BEd, I was also a manager at a holiday club. Therefore I have seen firsthand how much fun children have at them, how well they operate, and how they are full of wonderful educational and social opportunities for the kids too. As a parent, it … Read more

PizzaExpress ‘Create Your Own Pizza’ Competition For Kids (#AD)

PizzaExpress 'Create Your Own Pizza' Competition For Kids #AD

Squiggle and I love pizza – and we clearly aren’t the only ones; PizzaExpress sells over 30 million pizzas in UK supermarkets each year! It is also a treat to eat out of course and PizzaExpress also has 470 pizzerias across the UK to choose from! With a range of toppings and various vegetarian options … Read more

On Opening My Mind To Children: A Guest Post by Georgia Anne

On Opening My Mind To Children: A Guest Post by Georgia Anne

We all have families, whether we’re on good terms with them or not, and we all have fears – whether they’re irrational or not. My biggest fear connects to family, or rather, a lack of family, and I feel that it’s something that weighed heavy on my shoulders for a very long time throughout my … Read more

A Typical Week in Home Education?

In reality there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ home education week for us; we are interest-led and we tend to go with the flow as we feel this suits our needs. The freedom to do this is one of the many reasons we love home educating. However, this post aims to give a … Read more