Reading Between The Lines About Why It’s Worth Taking Literacy Online

When we think about literacy, few of us think of online portals. After all, social media platforms like Facebook and even Twitter often take the blame for poor grammar. Not to mention that shortened words and acronyms that we typically use online have done a fair amount of damage to language comprehension on the whole. … Read more

Maths Websites For Primary and Secondary Children (Home Education/ Homeschooling)

I have been meaning to write this post for a while. We use, or have tried out at least, numerous maths websites for primary and secondary aged children as part of our home education (homeschool). I thought it would be useful to share these with other families; whether homeschooling long term, short term, or just … Read more

Learning Packs by Undercover Hippy Bus (Review, Discount Code and Giveaway)

Finding good quality useful educational resources is a priority. I find the core subjects are generally well covered. But sourcing activities that offer something different – thinking about the wider scope of valuable learning opportunities, such as children’s mental health resources, for example – is somewhat harder. Therefore I was delighted to discover the brilliantly … Read more

Maker Workshop: Book Review and Giveaway (x 4 Copies)

Maker Workshop by Dr Alison Buxton is full of fun STEM projects for children to carry out at home. Welbeck Publishing kindly sent me a copy of this book to review. The book has an interesting variety of projects. It is split into different sections; bionic bots, mega movers, home helpers, out and about, and … Read more

Benefits Of Holiday Clubs: Barracudas Activity Camp (#AD)

Barracudas activity camp. Holiday club. Go karting.

Back when I was a university student studying for my BEd, I was also a manager at a holiday club. Therefore I have seen firsthand how much fun children have at them, how well they operate, and how they are full of wonderful educational and social opportunities for the kids too. As a parent, it … Read more

YouTeachMeToo Tutorial Subscription Service: Review and Giveaway

YouTeachMeToo is an innovative educational subscription service that enables access to teaching videos. It allows parents and their children to watch and listen to teachers teaching in a range of schools across the UK, including mainstream, special schools and a Royal School for the Deaf. There are currently 2,000 videos to view, mainly primary currently, … Read more

B.A.B Courses: Workshops and Courses For Parents Where Your Children Are Welcome (Bring A Baby/ Child Courses)

BAB courses (Bring A Baby courses) are workshops and courses for parents but without the childcare hassle and cost! Bring your baby or child with you where they will be looked after in the same room. Perfect for parents of young children and home educators. Develop your skills or pursue your own interests without worrying about childcare. Tutors focus on parents, skilled playworkers focus on children. Support not separation. Based in Harrow. North London. Discount code available – 5% off all bookings!

Rockford’s Rock Opera Review & Giveaway Bundle

Rockford’s Rock Opera by Sweetapple is an ecological musical story about extinction, biodiversity, the value of the natural world and bringing endangered species back from the brink. It was created by a group of friends (Matthew Sweetapple and Elaine Sweetapple, husband and wife, and comedian Steve Punt) in an attic in Barnet, Hertfordshire and was … Read more

7 Simple Ways Kids Can Contribute to an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle: Guest Post by Veronica – My Parenting Journey

Families often live wasteful lives, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Living an eco-friendly lifestyle with children can seem like a daunting task. Little humans can create a lot of waste, but there are plenty of ways kids can contribute to an eco-friendly lifestyle. Now is the time to change your habits and … Read more