Key Considerations For New Business Owners: How To Get Off To A Flying Start

Launching a business is an exhilarating prospect, but it can also be daunting. The statistics for new business failures make for sobering reading, and this is why preparation is key. If you’re setting up a new venture, or you’re in the fledgling stages of your entrepreneurial journey, here are some key considerations to help you … Read more

Ironmongery Interior Designs Tips for Summer 2020

With everyone doing DIY jobs around the house during lockdown, have you been wondering what you could do to give your home an uplift without spending much? Changing up the ironmongery is the answer! Replacing these little details will have a big impact – trust me!  And if you are not sure how to decorate … Read more

Best Upgrades To Increase The Value Of Your Home

If you want to make sure that your home value is increasing with every improvement you make, then you need to do your research. You need to understand what your buyers want from you and you also need to know how much they are willing to pay as well. Luckily, this guide will take care … Read more

Live Music Venues S.O.S #SaveOurVenues

Live music venues across the country are currently at risk. This is genuinely a distressing and heartbreaking thought for me, and for so many many others; going to gigs is one of my favourite things to do. It is fun, relaxing and therapeutic, and holds special memories too. For others, independent live music venues are … Read more

Invisibility Of Unpaid Carers: Carers Week #MakingCaringVisible

I have been trying to get this post written in acknowledgement of Carers Week since last week; as a parent carer myself, it felt wrong not to write about it. I have thought about the points I want to share, reflected on how it feels to be a carer – and especially in the context … Read more