Tips For Getting Settled Into Your New Home

Moving house is certainly an event to be proud of and celebrate. It’s an exciting time in your life and will allow you the opportunity to make new memories with your family members in a new location. It’s in your best interest to do what you can to get settled into your new home after … Read more

Regaining Control Of Your Bad Financial Habits

Some of us have bad financial habits. From spending too much to not planning how we deal with debts, it’s an unfortunate reality, often born from the fact that we weren’t taught better financial habits as we grew. But once you know you have those bad habits, it’s your job to look at ways you … Read more

Is a Monthly Payment Plan the Right Option for You?

Purchasing something on a monthly payment plan may seem like a great option at first glance. However, many consumers fail to do their homework before taking on such a deal.  Low monthly payments and spreading the costs over a period strike as the perfect way to get something you want, to avoid a large immediate … Read more

EcoHonesty: A New Ethical Marketplace

*EcoHonesty will kindly be sending me some gifts in exchange for spreading the word about their new ethical marketplace. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.* EcoHonesty is a brand new site that describes itself as an ethical marketplace; it is essentially a shopping platform for eco-friendly ethical products. It hosts a selection … Read more

What To Do When A Sudden Income Drop Occurs: Frugal Living and Money Advice

At the time of writing, the Coronavirus pandemic has financially affected billions of people worldwide by causing a sudden income drop; myself included. Circumstances are what they are, and whilst it is a little unfair to say we’re all in the same boat; we are at least all trying to seek shelter from the same … Read more

Why Choose Solid Wood Flooring?

Simply put, solid wood flooring is made from a piece of solid wood. Cut straight from the trunk; it is made into planks, given a fitting profile around the edges and subsequently a smooth finish is applied. So what are the benefits? Simple Installation Installation is extremely simple compared to the alternatives; this means that … Read more

Going Green Can Save You Piles Of Cash: Here’s How

You give up vast chunks of your life to work for the money you receive at the end of the month. For that reason, you’re always on the lookout for opportunities to save. But what if someone told you that going green was the best way? It turns out that doing what’s good for the … Read more