My Breastfeeding Story: From Latching Difficulties, Mastitis and Exploding Boobs To A Beautiful Extended Breastfeeding Relationship

To mark the end of world breastfeeding week, I am taking a look back at my breastfeeding journey. Here is my story… I was very determined to breastfeed but our journey got off to a rough start after my c-section. (You can read my birth story here). I found it really difficult to begin with; … Read more

Organising An Eco-Friendly Children’s Party 

Are you holding a kids party, and considering ways to make it more eco-friendly? It is not an easy task, as I discovered when trying to organise Squiggle’s 9th birthday party a couple of months ago! You need to get a bit creative if you don’t want to leave behind piles of plastic, wrapping paper, … Read more

Needlite: Bringing Daylight Indoors 

Needlite are a small, Danish start-up who invented and designed a unique daylight desk lamp, which launched in the Nordic market just under two years ago. The idea is simple: provide the user with efficient work light and provide the much-needed daylight at the same time. The Needlite has a simple, modern design. It is … Read more

What Does Family Mean To You? #FamilyMadeSimple 

What does family mean to you? The truth is, family means different things to everyone. Long gone are the days of 2.4 children as standard. I look around me at friends and aquaintences, and I see a wonderfully diverse range of family units that include single parents of both genders, same sex couples, multicultural families, … Read more

What To Look For When Renting/ Top Tips For Landlords #RentalInsights

Recently carried out a survey and have found some interesting stats about tenants: Overall 86% of people were either very happy, quite happy or somewhat happy with their landlord or letting agent 75% of people surveyed claimed to be happy with the response to maintenance requests 43.6% of tenancy agreements do not allow pets 12.5% of people … Read more

Visualisation: How To Connect To Our Natural Environment From Anywhere

Whilst visualisation is often a major part of guided meditation, for me personally I feel that meditating is more about aiming to clear your mind and let thoughts float into your head naturally whereas in contrast, visualisation involves purposely constructing thoughts. Both serve the purpose of helping us to relax, regain/ maintain balance and achieve … Read more

Camping Guide: Get Organised With Halfords

We have been on many outdoor style holidays, staying at campsites or holiday parks. We tend to be caravanners and often, but not always, opt for locations by the beach. We have had lots of precious moments from waking up to see rabbits hopping about outside our window, to exploring Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door for the … Read more