100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 29 (Favourite Things About Home Educating) 

Ok, so for today on #100DaysofHomeEd I have something abit different; I asked a selection of home educators (all with SEND children) what their favourite thing is about home educating. Here are the answers… Sharon – Incidental learning is so much more enjoyable because it is fun to learn . Wish I had taken this … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 28 (Rina)

Introduction Hey! I’m Rina, 27, single mum to two beautiful, smart, caring, cheeky, energetic little dudes. L (Munchkin) is 4 almost 5 years old and E (Bugaboo) is 2. I suffer with 6 chronic illnesses, Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Obsessive compulsive Disorder and Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction are the main ones. I have a passion for … Read more

Drive-By Shouting by Mark Chase – Blog Tour

About the Book When Matt Mann grabbed showbiz success by the throat, he also trampled on the dreams of Gram Kane, his closest friend. Matt has ridden the gravy train for seven heady years, while successfully keeping a lid on his old friend’s resentment. That is; until now. Matt’s moral vacuum has now seen him … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… Just Average Jen

Hi all, I hope you’re having a good weekend! Today, I have a wonderfully inspirational lady ‘over here’ for a cuppa. She writes a lifestyle and food blog after going on an immense weight loss journey. You should see her before and after pants! (Check out her IG for that!) But before I pass you over … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 27 (Melo)

Introduction My name is Melody Dixon, most call me Melo. I have two boys, Gabriel who’s 4 in April and Noah who’s 18months. Along with hubby, Tom, we live on a narrowboat and move up and down the Grand Union Canal. We lived on the boat since Gabriel was 18 months. How long have you … Read more

A Quick Cuppa… Me, Him, The Dog and A Baby

Tell me about yourself… I’m Lyndsey, 30 and I live in North Norfolk with my husband, one year old daughter Erin and crazy dog Jackson. I blog over at Me, him, the dog and a baby although I didn’t start off that way. I think I’ve had three blogs before this one, on and off since 2010. … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 22 (Bear and Ted)

Introduction ​I’m Alaina, Mama Bear to two small bears: Little Bear who is nearly seven, and Teddy who is four. We live in an average house, in an average community near a small town with Daddy Bear, Kev, who works in an art gallery, and our grumpy cat. How long have you home educated for? … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 21 (Raising a Daisy)

Introduction We have one daughter, she’s 7 and has never been to school. Our reasons to home educate are vast but simply put into the facts, we don’t want the national curriculum to limit her love of learning and we don’t want her to be defined by standardised tests. As a family unit she has … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… Mrs Mummy Harris

Today I’m having a cuppa with Mrs Mummy Harris. To find out which famous celebrity​ she used to work with, and what she does on her daily commute, then read on…  Tell me about yourself… I’m Lianne, Just hit the big 3-0 and mummy to Benjamin who is nearly 8 months. Me and Hubby have … Read more