Author Interview: Penelope Magoulianiti and Book Giveaway ‘Women, Motherhood & Independence’

I am thrilled to have been given the opportunity to interview inspirational author Penelope Magoulianiti. Her book ‘Women, Motherhood & Independence: A Guide to Financial Freedom, Beauty & Confidence After Birth’ aims to help women achieve their goals and be successful, with clear strategies and practical advice on how to do so. Here is our … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… The Baby Boat Diaries

I literally cannot believe that tomorrow is February! How was everybody’s January? I won’t lie, ours has been tough. Hopefully February will be better! Anyway, today I am excited to introduce you all to another fab blog; The Baby Boat Diaries… Hello, thanks for joining us! Tell us about yourself… I am 25 years old, from … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… The Happy Weaner

​Hello everyone, how are you all today? What plans do you have for this weekend? I’ve got my brew on the go, so here’s a little bit more about Claire and Lucy from The Happy Weaner… Myself Claire, and Lucy met through a mutual friend when our boys were just 6 weeks old. We were subsequently … Read more

The (Not So) Little One Tag

I was tagged by Amy & Tots to do this fun quiz with Squiggle. Here are the questions, and her answers… What is the best thing about being 8? Lots of things! Having Pierre the seal!!! (Beanie boo cuddly toy). All of my Christmas presents! What makes you laugh? When daddy was still dancing after the music … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… Notaneffingfairytale

If, like me, you could do with some lighthearted relief about now then you are in for a treat! Today my hilarious guest poster is stand up comic, actor and comedy writer Cookie Kibbles. Enjoy! Hi! Please start by introducing yourself… My name is Cookie Kibbles and I am the writer of Notaneffingfairytale. I am a stand … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… Not A Perfect Parent

​Continuing with my guest series, I have another blogger for you today; the lovely Naomi from Not A Perfect Parent. So grab yourself a cuppa and welcome Naomi to my little home on the internet… Hello Naomi! Please introduce yourself… I’m Naomi! I got engaged to Babs in January 2015 and then Lola was born in … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… Pure Nourish

I hope everyone is ok? Yesterday might have been considered blue Monday, but I hope it passed by in a rainbow of colours for you all! And if it didn’t, I hope today feels a little brighter… and please remember my inbox is always open! Today my guest post series features Latoya of Pure Nourish talking about … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… Mummy Lauretta

How are we up to the middle of January already? That seems impossible! Anyway, joining me for a quick cuppa today is mum of identical twin boys, Laura.  Hi Laura! Firstly please take a moment to introduce yourself… My name is Laura, I’m 34 and a mum to 5 year old identical twin boys. I … Read more