Global Climate Strike: Climate Action Message to World Leaders From My 11 Year Old Daughter

Global Climate Strike: Climate Action Message to World Leaders From My 11 Year Old Daughter

Today, 20th September 2019, is an important day for our planet; the global climate strike. As our World Leaders prepare to meet for the UN Climate Action Summit in just a couple of days time, millions of youths take to the streets in more than 130 countries across the globe for the biggest mass protest … Read more

What are the Priorities for Climate Change? #TakeASeat at COP24

#TakeYourSeat COP 24 climate change conference - The People's Seat

We have 12 years to save our planet. Just twelve short years. As explained by the world’s leading climate scientists, global warming needs to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people. … Read more

My Zero Waste Week Challenge: Progress Update

Last week, ahead of Zero Waste Week, I set some challenges of my own. As promised, here is an update of how I am getting on so far! Weak Spots and Improvements I explained in my preparations post that just prior to Zero Waste Week I had already made some observations, noticed what my weak … Read more

Progress For The Planet: What We Can All Do To Help Mother Earth

The evidence is overwhelming, and, let’s face it, you can’t get away from it now. The fact is we’re not doing enough to benefit the planet. Climate change is very real, and even if you don’t necessarily agree with the information that’s out there, we can all help to improve the planet we live on. … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 10: One Thing You Can’t Live Without

Ok, my daughter! She is the first and only thing on this list in reality. But that goes without saying, so I will try to pick something less obvious. The planet? Definitely cannot live without that! Friends and family? To be honest, I think that one is a given too.  And I am assuming for … Read more