What it Means to be a Neurodivergent Family

Being a neurodivergent family has its challenges. For us, personally, the biggest struggles are society’s lack of understanding and getting the support needed. Neurotypical people are often somewhat unaware of the range of difficulties faced by autistic people (and those with other neurological differences, such as ADHD) and what would actually help us in daily … Read more

Teen Calm : Wellbeing Box Review and Giveaway

Teen Calm is a new subscription box that focuses on mental health and wellbeing; delivering a bundle of relaxing goodies straight to the doorstep of the lucky intended recipient. It was created by mum and daughter team, Cathy and Freya, from their home in the Midlands. About the Creators Cathy is a Youth Mental Health … Read more

Invisibility Of Unpaid Carers: Carers Week #MakingCaringVisible

I have been trying to get this post written in acknowledgement of Carers Week since last week; as a parent carer myself, it felt wrong not to write about it. I have thought about the points I want to share, reflected on how it feels to be a carer – and especially in the context … Read more

Life in Lockdown: This is NOT Home Education (Lockdown Homeschooling)

It has been well over a month since lockdown began due to Covid-19. The majority of parents are currently ‘homeschooling’ their children; schools remain closed at the time of writing this, except to children of key workers and those classed as vulnerable. As long-term home educators, some might assume not all that much has really … Read more

Improving Independence For People With Disabilities: A Carer’s Point of View

There is no denying that caring for another person, whether adult or child, can be an emotionally and physically exhaustive endeavour. When it comes to caring and supporting those with specific needs, it often requires a level of resolve. This is true regardless of the nature of the disabilities that the person you care for … Read more

How to Create a Sensory Garden for Adults or Kids

What is a Sensory Garden? A sensory garden is a specifically designed garden with a focus on sensual stimuli. Naturally, there are heaps of educational and recreational benefits to a sensory garden. Chief among them is the incredible range of therapeutic possibilities. Those with SEND especially tend to gain significantly from the experience. A sensory … Read more

Children’s Mental Health Week

Children's Mental Health Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. As a parent of a child who struggles with her mental health at times, I felt it important to write about this. However, as a parent of a child who struggles with her mental health at times, it also took all week to do so! The theme this … Read more