Eco-Friendly Home Improvements

eco friendly home improvements

Investing in some eco-friendly home improvements can save you money in the longer term on energy costs, and improve the comfort of your home, as well as making your home more environmentally-friendly too. Here are some suggestions for eco home improvements and tips for creating a greener home… Windows Most people have double glazing these … Read more

How to Start Your Own Small Sustainable Business

If you are fed up with the 9-5 grind, you have probably floated the idea of going into business for yourself. But what if you want to make your business greener and more in line with your ethics? Here are some of the first steps you can take to create your own sustainable business… Create … Read more

Desenio Gallery Wall Art Review #AD

Wall art can really brighten up your home, give a room the right vibes and add your own personal touch too. If your walls are painted a neutral plain colour, like many rental properties often are for example, wall art can be an excellent alternative to redecorating to suit your particular taste, and allows for … Read more

What Is Compostable Packaging And What Should You Do With It?

As a society, we’ve become very conscious about our plastic usage – which can only be a good thing. As consumers, we want to be able to make the more sustainable purchasing choice when it comes to certain items and the way things are packaged. Whilst it’s still fairly difficult to live a plastic-free life … Read more

3 Things You Should Always Repair If You Want To Be More Eco-Friendly

If we want to be better to the environment, we need to change our attitude towards our possessions and stop seeing them as disposable. When something breaks, most people get rid of it and buy a new one right away. But this wasteful attitude is awful for the planet and it’s not great for your … Read more

JungleCulture Eco Products: Review and Giveaway

I am always looking for new eco-friendly brands and sustainable products that can support and enhance my own zero waste journey. And JungleCulture eco products certainly do that! JungleCulture Eco Brand JungleCulture is an eco brand with a fabulous philosophy; they aim to inspire others to see the beauty and purpose in nature. To this end, … Read more

Sustainable Lifestyle Book Bundle by Caroline Jones: Review and Giveaway

Win A Bundle of Sustainable Lifestyle Books (Total RRP £31.97) x 3 sets to giveaway. How to Go Waste Free, How to Go Plastic Free and Sort Your Sh*t Out (all by Caroline Jones)

Throughout the natural process of living our lives, things can just naturally become cluttered over time. We accumulate needless things, habits and even problematically toxic relationships. There is much to be said for taking a step back and asking, ‘do I really need this in my life right now?’ making it easier to declutter your … Read more

20 Small Sustainable Changes You Can Make in 2020

20 Small Sustainable Changes You Can Make in 2020

Every day we are given more and more reasons to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. The news is (rightfully) full of stories chronicling the environmental challenges the world faces today. However, whilst presidents, prime ministers and leaders all around the globe set their climate goals, we individually can also make a difference, one household at a … Read more

3 Ways Baby Led Weaning Is More Eco-Friendly Than Traditional Weaning: Guest Post by Mummy To Dex

3 Ways Baby-Led Weaning Is More Eco-Friendly Than Traditional Weaning: Guest Post by Mummy To Dex

Weaning our first son, Dexter, was one of the scariest, yet exciting times of our lives. We chose to wean him using the baby led weaning method and once we started, we never looked back. We recently began weaning our second son, Felix using the same method. He struggled slightly more than Dexter did for … Read more