Top Tips For A Good Night Sleep

Sleep is essential to our health and wellbeing. Yet it is something that many of us struggle with, for one reason or another. Whether it is getting to sleep, staying asleep or frequent disturbances throughout the night, lack of sleep and/ or poor quality sleep can play havoc with your mood, health and functioning. So here are some top tips to help ensure you get a goodnight sleep and wake up well rested… Wind Down Many people need time to relax and unwind after a busy day in order to feel ready to sleep. There are various relaxation aids and tips to switch off in the sections below to assist with this. Meditation or some gentle yoga might also be beneficial. I try to shut off tech and not use my phone for about 30 minutes to an hour before going bed. I try to have a bath and listen to music instead. ~ The Mum Diaries Switch Off Whilst a minority of people might do just fine falling asleep to TV or other devices, alot of people would benefit from no screens in the bedroom. We took all electric devices out of the bedroom and it made a huge difference. ~ …

Sleep is essential to our health and wellbeing. Yet it is something that many of us struggle with, for one reason or another. Whether it is getting to sleep, staying asleep or frequent disturbances throughout the night, lack of sleep and/ or poor quality sleep can play havoc with your mood, health and functioning.

So here are some top tips to help ensure you get a goodnight sleep and wake up well rested…

Picture of a pair of feet sticking out of the end of the bed. Reads Top Tips For A Good Night Sleep.

Wind Down

Many people need time to relax and unwind after a busy day in order to feel ready to sleep. There are various relaxation aids and tips to switch off in the sections below to assist with this. Meditation or some gentle yoga might also be beneficial.

I try to shut off tech and not use my phone for about 30 minutes to an hour before going bed. I try to have a bath and listen to music instead. ~ The Mum Diaries

Switch Off

Whilst a minority of people might do just fine falling asleep to TV or other devices, alot of people would benefit from no screens in the bedroom.

We took all electric devices out of the bedroom and it made a huge difference. ~ I Am River

Charging my phone away from where I sleep helps. ~ The Coaching Parent

Declutter Your Mind

If you go to bed with your mind swirling with thoughts, it can be difficult to switch off and get to sleep. Writing them down can help get them out of your head.

I always have loads of thoughts going round my head – I try & scribble them down if I can’t sleep as it helps ’empty’ my brain! Or use voice memo on a phone. ~ Sophie’s Nursery

Relaxation Aids

Finding relaxation techniques that work for you is important as it allows you to de-stress and supports sleep. Whether it is relaxing music, hypnosis or something else, making time to relax is essential for wellbeing.

I listen to relaxing music, as do the kids – Weightless is the name of the song that works wonder for all of us! ~ The Mamma Fairy

I use online hypnosis tracks from iTunes and they work a treat! ~ Thrifty Mum

I have struggled on an off for a few years but about four years ago I found ASMR videos on YouTube. They are often called tingle videos as if you experience ASMR This is what you feel! Gentle whispering is the one I watch the most, they are so soothing and relaxing, I always fall asleep to them! ~ Ready Freddie Go

If I’m struggling to get to sleep, reading a book usually sends me off. Don’t think I’ve finished a book in years as I always forget what I’ve read at bedtime! ~ The Growing Mum


To get a good night sleep, you need to be comfortable! Invest time and money in finding the most suitable mattress and choose good quality bedding. Pick the duvet tog that is right for you and the room temperature. Or layer up with blankets so they can be adjusted according to need. Some people even find weighted blankets useful. The Dozy Owl has a great article to help you choose the best pillow too.

Bedroom Environment

Lighting in the bedroom is important. Some people prefer a nightlight, whilst others really need the room to be as dark as possible and find blackout curtains or blinds helpful. Noise levels can also be an issue. If you find yourself frequently being woken up by environmental noise, then it is probably time to invest in a pair of ear plugs or use a white noise generator. A fish tank (or even a fan) in the room can also have a similar effect. Relaxing scents such as lavender oil can also help assist a good night sleep too.

Bed with side table and lamp. Minimalistic clean neutral but welcoming bedroom.

Sleeping Arrangements

Sleeping arrangements are such a personal thing. Whilst some people sleep much better snuggled up to a warm body next too them, others find themselves waking at every little noise or movement and find it easier to sleep alone. In the case of relationships, it can become a delicate balance of the importance of intimacy vs the importance of sleep. There is really no right answer, weigh up what the priorities are and what works best for everyone involved.

I don’t struggle with sleep, just stay up too late. But if you’ve a baby who’s in their own room near enough to hear when they cry, turn off the baby monitor once you’re in bed. They keep you awake with any little sound but really you only need to know when they’re really calling for you. It’ll help them self settle if they’re just being noisy and having a moan.

My husband would say sleep in another room to your partner if they keep you awake. He’s a really light sleeper and moans I’m noisy even before I am asleep. ~ Bubba Blue and Me

We have a family room with us and 2 little ones sharing. We have a huge room with two double beds and a single in. I have no idea why but we all sleep better for it and it works for us. ~ I Am River

Avoid Caffeine

For a small minority of people (particularly those with ADHD) caffeine can have the opposite effect and potentially be relaxing. However, generally, for the vast majority of people, caffeine acts as a stimulant and is best avoided, or at least reduced, as it gets closer to bedtime. The length of time needed before sleep varies from person to person, and alot of people find it useful to cut it out completely.

I’ve realised I sleep a million times better & fall asleep instantly if I have no caffeine all day. So not even a tea in the morning! The days I have a tea (usually green) I take much longer to sleep. ~ Lylia Rose


I was recently sent some Benenox Overnight Recharge to try. It is a combination of honey, two amino acids (L-Alanine and L-Glutamine) and Vitamin B6. During a survey, 3/4 of people felt this helped to improve their quality of sleep and left them feeling more refreshed the next day.

I take a magnesium supplement, it’s know as the anti-stress mineral and is a muscle relaxant, so is really effective for helping to relax me and get me to sleep. I also have a mug of rooibos tea before bed. ~ Pure Nourish

Benenox in two flavours presented in a pretty purple box

Last Resort…

Failing all the above, I’d book a hotel room away from the man child & childerbeasts! I reckon that should do it! ~ The Smallest Of Things

On a serious note, sometimes a change of scenary and night away (espeecially with a room to yourself!) can really make a difference. After a good night rest you can wake up feeling like a different person. Sleep matters!

What are your top sleep tips?

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

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