Teen Calm : Wellbeing Box Review and Giveaway

Teen Calm is a new subscription box that focuses on mental health and wellbeing; delivering a bundle of relaxing goodies straight to the doorstep of the lucky intended recipient. It was created by mum and daughter team, Cathy and Freya, from their home in the Midlands. About the Creators Cathy is a Youth Mental Health … Read more

Is Your Diet Making You More Anxious? Guest Post by The Busy Papa

Is Your Diet Making You More Anxious? Guest Post by The Busy Papa

The world of nutrition and the physical and mental reactions to what we put in our bodies is a complicated one. Truth be told, humanity is still developing an understanding of this and isn’t quite there yet. What we do know however is that what we digest affects more than just our physical wellbeing. Studies … Read more

Strategies To Help Children Who Procrastinate

“Not now” and “later on” are common things that a household with older children or teenagers will hear. It could be relating to homework, chores, or just general helping around the house. And in many ways, it can be completely normal. Even us as parents can put off the less than desirable tasks as we … Read more

Random Acts of Kindness Day & Valentines Day: Spread Some Love!

Happy (belated) Valentines Day and happy Random Acts of Kindness Day everyone! Firstly, an apology. I had good intentions, I genuinely did. My ‘Spread Some Love’ theme for this year was meant to include a bunch of giveaways for you all; I contacted companies, started to arrange the details… then we were hit with a … Read more

Relaxation Tips For Children: Dealing With Stress and Anxiety

This post has been written at the request of Squiggle. She specifically asked for advice from other children, for dealing with stress and anxiety, and strategies to help her to relax. We do alot of work on this already and have lots of strategies in our toolkit. But sometimes you just need fresh ideas, or … Read more

#TimeToTalk Mental Health 

As it is Time To Talk day, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share some facts about mental health. Mental health can affect anyone of any age, at any time. In the UK alone, one in four adults experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem in any one year. (The Office for National Statistics … Read more