Sooper Books: Kid’s Online Stories

Sooper Books: Kid’s Online Bedtime Stories (With Audio) Sooper Books was launched last year by husband and wife team, Simon and Charlene. In essence, they publish bookshop-quality stories online that you can access anywhere, anytime, on any device for a small annual membership fee. Each story even has a professional audiobook version too! This storybook … Read more

30 Days Wild – Day 30: 7 Reasons To Love Nature

Wow, we have come to the final day of 30 Days Wild! So to mark the end, today I thought I would write about why it is great to spend so much time outdoors in nature. There are so many reasons to love nature! Here are my top 7… ? 1. Good for the mind: … Read more

30 Days Wild – Day 2: Nature Walk

For day two of our #30DaysWild challenge, Squiggle and I went on a nature walk. We spent lots of time studying things and taking photos. In fact, Squiggle took so many lovely pictures that we decided sorting through them and sharing them could be one of her future challenges for another day! We were also … Read more