Going Green Can Save You Piles Of Cash: Here’s How

You give up vast chunks of your life to work for the money you receive at the end of the month. For that reason, you’re always on the lookout for opportunities to save. But what if someone told you that going green was the best way? It turns out that doing what’s good for the … Read more

Why We Chose A Plant-Based Diet

As many of my readers will know, I am vegetarian and Squiggle eats mainly vegan food only. She doesn’t generally eat dairy, but she is not entirely vegan; if it is a small unnoticeable ingredient within something else then she will accept this. She will (rarely) drink milkshakes too, on the odd occasion. However she … Read more

Oath Sustainable Products (North America)

Oath Sustainable Products North America

Oath is a North American based company with a strong, clear focus on sustainability and enabling their customers own zero waste journeys. The company takes a strong stance on careless consumer culture and makes it their mission to be considerate and deliberate in the way they manufacture, package and ship their products. Oath states that … Read more

Sustainable Lifestyle Book Bundle by Caroline Jones: Review and Giveaway

Win A Bundle of Sustainable Lifestyle Books (Total RRP £31.97) x 3 sets to giveaway. How to Go Waste Free, How to Go Plastic Free and Sort Your Sh*t Out (all by Caroline Jones)

Throughout the natural process of living our lives, things can just naturally become cluttered over time. We accumulate needless things, habits and even problematically toxic relationships. There is much to be said for taking a step back and asking, ‘do I really need this in my life right now?’ making it easier to declutter your … Read more

Paguro Upcycled Products: Eco-Friendly Fashion and Homeware Gifts For Men and Women (Giveaway)

Paguro Upcycled Products: Eco-Friendly Fashion and Homeware Gifts For Men and Women

Introduction to Paguro Named after and inspired by the hermit crab; Paguro (much like their namesake) is all about taking products and repurposing them. Their mission is to create well-made, stylish products using upcycled components, such as reclaimed wood, barrels, seat belts, tyres and bike chains. They work with various designers worldwide to create unique, … Read more

Sustainable Living For Families

Sustainable Living For Families

If you’ve ever tried to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle, you’ll know how tricky it can be when as a society we’re used to, and encouraged to, constantly replace things on a whim. Everything comes in brand new packaging (usually plastic) and society trains us to always be on the lookout for the next trend, … Read more

Benefits of a Smart Thermostat

Benefits of a Smart Thermostat

Have you ever wondered what a smart thermostat can do for you? There are many people still struggling with substandard thermostats that not only consume excess power, but are also difficult to maintain. For starters, the old thermostats operate by metal bars that absorb heat and cool down to regulate your indoor temperature. Although they … Read more

20 Small Sustainable Changes You Can Make in 2020

20 Small Sustainable Changes You Can Make in 2020

Every day we are given more and more reasons to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. The news is (rightfully) full of stories chronicling the environmental challenges the world faces today. However, whilst presidents, prime ministers and leaders all around the globe set their climate goals, we individually can also make a difference, one household at a … Read more