How To Make Your Garden Safe For Children

A garden is a brilliant place for children to be. They can enjoy the extra space to play in, as well as enjoying being outdoors in the fresh air. You can teach them about things like plants, gardening, and the wildlife that lives in your garden. However, if not thought about properly, there are also … Read more

Prepare Home For Winter With These Top Tips

Winter seems to come around so quickly. So quick in fact that a lot of people do not find time in advance to prepare home for winter. Especially with the current year and the issues a lot of people have had to face, it’s no surprise it’s sitting on the backburner. However, preparing the home … Read more

Save The Bees: Pollinator Wildflower Seeds From The Grass People #AD

Bees are the magnificent powerhouses of nature; busy little workers, dedicated to the maintenance and preservation of the natural world. These friends of the earth buzz devotedly between flowers in the tireless pursuit of nectar and pollen. Not without purpose though; the truth is, many plants, trees, crops, and flowers would cease to be without … Read more

Great Games for Children to Play in a Swimming Pool

1st Direct Pools are one of the UK’s biggest online retailers when it comes to hot tubs, pools and saunas. With a wide range of products in stock and ready to deliver, their customer service has made them a trusted source for pool owners. Keeping your children entertained over the summer can be challenging, especially … Read more

How to Create a Sensory Garden for Adults or Kids

What is a Sensory Garden? A sensory garden is a specifically designed garden with a focus on sensual stimuli. Naturally, there are heaps of educational and recreational benefits to a sensory garden. Chief among them is the incredible range of therapeutic possibilities. Those with SEND especially tend to gain significantly from the experience. A sensory … Read more

Benefits of Outdoor Play For Children

At the time of writing, the country has been on lockdown for several weeks. We are allowed out for daily exercise, but playgrounds are closed. It is a surreal time for everyone, kids especially. However, this situation highlights how undeniable it is that outdoor play is full of fantastic benefits. And if you are lucky … Read more

4 Simple Ways To Enhance Your Garden (Rain or Shine)

We have been lucky enough to have some very sunny days recently. Something that has allowed many of us on lockdown to get out and enjoy our gardens! Of course, this can be more challenging when the weather isn’t so nice. Although there are some strategies you can use to make the most of your … Read more

Glorious Garden Lighting: Dos and Don’ts

Lighting is an all-important subject when it comes to the interior of a property; without good lighting, a property can appear dark and less spacious, so we fill our homes with lamps, spotlights, and novelty lights that are designed to overcome this issue. Externally, however, lighting tends to receive less of a focus. For the … Read more