20 Small Sustainable Changes You Can Make in 2020

20 Small Sustainable Changes You Can Make in 2020

Every day we are given more and more reasons to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. The news is (rightfully) full of stories chronicling the environmental challenges the world faces today. However, whilst presidents, prime ministers and leaders all around the globe set their climate goals, we individually can also make a difference, one household at a … Read more

Our Small Lifestyle Changes To Become More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post by Tummy2Mummy

Our Small Lifestyle Changes To Become More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post by Tummy2Mummy

Each time I see evidence of the way we are destroying our planet my heart breaks. I feel so guilty and helpless for all the animals, their natural habitats destroyed. Whilst I think large companies have a huge responsibility, we all need to be making some lifestyle changes. I always felt like I wasn’t doing … Read more

Net Zero Co (Sustainable Products): Round-up and Giveaway

Net Zero Co (Sustainable Products): Round-up and Giveaway

I originally wrote about Net Zero Co in my sustainable gift guide a couple of weeks back. However, I didn’t want anyone to miss out on finding about this lovely eco company, or the chance to win a bamboo hair brush and toothbrush set, so I felt it deserves its own separate post! Net Zero … Read more

Eco-friendly Christmas Decorations: Guest Post by Simone – Midlands Traveller

Eco-friendly Christmas Decorations

Eco-friendly Christmas Decorations Christmas is coming, and that means that everyone starts to behave slightly out of character, panic buying, the must-have extortionate amounts of food and the Christmas lights and decorations that must outdo the Smith’s at number 43. If this time of year makes you slightly uncomfortable and you don’t want to get … Read more

Sustainable Gift Ideas (Eco-Friendly Gift Guide) and Beauty Bundle Giveaway

Sustainable Gift Ideas (Eco-Friendly Gift Guide) and Beauty Bundle Giveaway

Do you want to find a gift with a difference? Then why not choose something that helps protect our planet! If you are looking for sustainable gift ideas, check out this gift guide full of eco-friendly items to fill your (bamboo) stockings with… Eco Clothes Living Life Our Way Teemill Store Living Life Our Way’s … Read more

How to Enjoy an Eco-Friendly Stay in Bali

How to Enjoy an Eco-Friendly Stay in Bali

Are you looking for exotic travel destinations whilst still maintaining an eco mindset? If so, I recommend considering adding Bali to your list! Here’s why… Why Bali? One place I have thought a great deal about visiting one day is Bali. As popularity grew there, so did western influence. It became a tourist trap for … Read more

Simple Ways To Make Your Garden More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post – Midlands Traveller

Simple Ways To Make Your Garden More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post - Midlands Traveller

When it comes to being environmentally-friendly, then gardening is one of the best ways that you can get in touch with nature. You can also use your garden to make your home greener, so as well as having green fingers, you will also have some green credentials. Let our simple tips help you to make … Read more

Benefits of Engineered Wood Flooring

Benefits of Engineered Wood Flooring

Homes, like people, come in all shapes and sizes. As with clothes, there is a balance of style, comfort and practicality when it comes to how we furnish and style our personal space. Flooring is no different, especially as there are so many types. However, if you’re looking for a hard wood feel beneath your … Read more

3 Ways Baby Led Weaning Is More Eco-Friendly Than Traditional Weaning: Guest Post by Mummy To Dex

3 Ways Baby-Led Weaning Is More Eco-Friendly Than Traditional Weaning: Guest Post by Mummy To Dex

Weaning our first son, Dexter, was one of the scariest, yet exciting times of our lives. We chose to wean him using the baby led weaning method and once we started, we never looked back. We recently began weaning our second son, Felix using the same method. He struggled slightly more than Dexter did for … Read more