Top 7 Tips for Making Healthy Food Choices for Your Family

Making healthy food choices is important. Not only does a healthy diet help your family to live longer, happier lives, but it instills habits that last a lifetime. A healthy diet features the standard inclusion of fruits and vegetables, but it should go beyond that as we consider ways to make healthy eating more enjoyable. … Read more

Giving Your Body All the Nutrients It Needs

The food we put into our bodies is more than something enjoyable and delicious. It’s the fuel that our bodies use to get us through each day. Of course, different foods are better for us than others. Some are packed with nutrients. Some are nutritionally devoid and often referred to as “junk food”. If you’re … Read more

Why We Chose A Plant-Based Diet

As many of my readers will know, I am vegetarian and Squiggle eats mainly vegan food only. She doesn’t generally eat dairy, but she is not entirely vegan; if it is a small unnoticeable ingredient within something else then she will accept this. She will (rarely) drink milkshakes too, on the odd occasion. However she … Read more

Protein Boosting Foods For Vegetarians

Protein Boosting Foods For Vegetarians

Protein is one of three macronutrients that is vital to effective functioning; along with carbohydrates and fats. Almost every cell in the body is made up of protein. So, not getting enough is a big deal. There is sometimes a concern that, without eating meat, it can be a struggle to get enough protein into … Read more

10 Super Ingredients For Fibre Rich Smoothies

10 Super Ingredients For Fibre Rich Smoothies

It is no secret that I love a good smoothie. In fact, I rely on smoothies a lot to get the nutrients that a hectic, busy lifestyle leaves me short on; being both vegetarian and a carer means that getting what I need can sometimes be a challenge. A chief one being fibre. Fortunately, there … Read more

Is Your Diet Making You More Anxious? Guest Post by The Busy Papa

Is Your Diet Making You More Anxious? Guest Post by The Busy Papa

The world of nutrition and the physical and mental reactions to what we put in our bodies is a complicated one. Truth be told, humanity is still developing an understanding of this and isn’t quite there yet. What we do know however is that what we digest affects more than just our physical wellbeing. Studies … Read more

Indigo Herbs Irish Moss: Review

Indigo Herbs Irish Moss: Review

We’re all so busy that balancing our own needs, and our health, along with everything else can be daunting. Having a quick, easy way of getting the body what it needs can feel like the only reasonable course of action sometimes. Smoothies are fantastic for this! So, when I was invited by Indigo Herbs to … Read more

Why I Gave Up Meat: Guest Post by The Busy Papa (Aaron K Green)

Why I Gave Up Meat: Guest Post by The Busy Papa (Aaron K Green)

In December 2018 I gave up meat. This was a month after finishing Keto, a diet where I found myself leaning heavily on very fatty means. To be clear, Keto can work for vegetarians and vegans but at the time, that wasn’t an option. So, how did I get from point a to point b? … Read more

Allplants: Plant-Based Vegan Ready Meals Delivered To Your Door – Review (#Ad)

Stack of three Allplants plant based vegan ready meals

I have talked before about the difficulty with balancing the need for convenience at times with a desire to eat healthily and be environmentally-friendly. Ready meals can really ease the pressure of difficult days, but the downside is that plant-based options are sometimes limited, plus the packaging is often not very environmentally-friendly (too much plastic!) … Read more