Un-Gardening: What Is It And How Can You Get Started?

People put so much effort into creating the perfect garden with carefully curated flowers and a ruler straight lawn. But is that really the best way to deal with your outside space? Have you ever considered un-gardening? This post tells you about what it is and how to do it…. Plants in the wild are not … Read more

Revamping Your Patio? Read This First!

You’re probably reading this and thinking about getting your garden ready for the summer months so you can enjoy your time outdoors with your family and friends. One of the tasks on your to-do list is undoubtedly revamping your patio area. If you’re looking at your patio and feel a bit overwhelmed and perhaps unsure … Read more

Benefits of Outdoor Play For Children

At the time of writing, the country has been on lockdown for several weeks. We are allowed out for daily exercise, but playgrounds are closed. It is a surreal time for everyone, kids especially. However, this situation highlights how undeniable it is that outdoor play is full of fantastic benefits. And if you are lucky … Read more

5 Reasons To Buy A Scooter

5 Reasons To Buy A Scooter

A scooter might be a great idea for bursting around town during the weekend or staying fit, if you will. Aside from these obvious reasons, why should you get yourself a scooter? This article will be answering this salient question by giving 5 reasons why you should buy a scooter. Ready to roll? Eco-friendly In … Read more

Earning by the Sea: 30 Days Wild Guest Post

My last 30 Days Wild guest post is by Kaya La Roche, 34 years old, from Margate Kent. She blogs at earningbythesea.co.uk What is your favourite nature activity? We really enjoy woodland walks as a family and walking our dog Lola on the beach. I feel really lucky to live a five minute walk from … Read more

Hedgehogs, Insects, Identification and Jumping in Puddles! (A-Z of 30 Days Wild)

H is for… Hedgehogs! We were so excited the one and only time we have ever spotted a hedgehog in our garden! https://www.instagram.com/p/BVVPvlyhbm7/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1cigx833qhwze I is for… Insects. We really enjoy studying insects, observing them and finding out more about them. We have completed many activities around this topic! https://www.instagram.com/p/BHI2LPsgt0W/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1thdkuz9q7cvb I found some useful tips on … Read more

Life in Rose Tinted Glasses: 30 Days Wild (Guest Post)

Today’s guest post is by George from Gloucestershire, who is completing the 30 Days Wild challenge for the first time. They write over at Life in Rose Tinted Glasses. Read on… What is your favourite nature activity? We love walking the dog up the local hills. They’re easy to access, free to park at and … Read more