5 Eco-friendly Wellness Ideas To Begin Living Sustainably

Sustainability, going green, eco-friendly: they all have the same meaning, but how can this rewarding lifestyle be tangibly put into practice? Making and maintaining environmentally friendly choices in your life won’t just happen overnight. Rather, it’s a gradual process with enormous benefits for both yourself and our planet. Before jumping into drastic changes, you can … Read more

The Better Planet Project – BetterYou: Plastic Petition

#AD Here in the UK, recycling suffers from a bit of an identity crisis. Each local council has its own rules, regulations, and resources regarding kerbside collection, and there is a lot of confusion around what can and cannot be recycled, and where. This is especially true of plastics in my experience. Some plastics can … Read more

What Is Compostable Packaging And What Should You Do With It?

As a society, we’ve become very conscious about our plastic usage – which can only be a good thing. As consumers, we want to be able to make the more sustainable purchasing choice when it comes to certain items and the way things are packaged. Whilst it’s still fairly difficult to live a plastic-free life … Read more

Tips for Building a Sustainable Kitchen

There’s this old saying, “the kitchen is the heart of the home”. Whilst this is not true for us personally, there is no denying that the kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the home. Given the nature of the time some families spend in there, it helps a great deal if it … Read more

3 Things You Should Always Repair If You Want To Be More Eco-Friendly

If we want to be better to the environment, we need to change our attitude towards our possessions and stop seeing them as disposable. When something breaks, most people get rid of it and buy a new one right away. But this wasteful attitude is awful for the planet and it’s not great for your … Read more

How Guilty Are Brits When It Comes To Bad Eco-Habits?

Over recent years there has been an increasing amount of coverage surrounding the bad eco-habits of the population and why we need to act now to protect the environment. Whether it’s supermarkets being encouraged to reduce the amount of plastic packaging they use or the small changes we can make in our homes to reduce … Read more

Do Not Throw Your Unwanted Items Away, Partage Them! (AD)

Did you know that around ÂŁ30 billion worth of unused clothes are sitting in UK’s wardrobes and more than 272K tons of furniture are available for re-use each year in the UK? This is one of the main problems that Partage is tackling. “Partage is a platform that aims to fight against overconsumption and waste … Read more

Save The Bees: Pollinator Wildflower Seeds From The Grass People #AD

Bees are the magnificent powerhouses of nature; busy little workers, dedicated to the maintenance and preservation of the natural world. These friends of the earth buzz devotedly between flowers in the tireless pursuit of nectar and pollen. Not without purpose though; the truth is, many plants, trees, crops, and flowers would cease to be without … Read more